Speech by Nick Walters
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Nick Walters
Speech Date: Sep2006
Ladies and Gentlemen, you are about to witness a unique event in history. This is the first and the last time that my wife is going to let me speak on behalf of both of us.
I did have a speech all worked out for this special occasion, but, of course, now that I'm a married man, Karen has told me what to say instead.
So on behalf of my wife and I welcome to our wedding. I hope you're all enjoying yourselves on this special day. It's great to see you all and I can honestly say it would have been rubbish without you. It would also have been a lot cheaper without you, but that's beside the point.
There are times when it's good to be surrounded by people who are important to you, and for us this is one of those occasions. We hope that you're enjoying it every bit as much as we are and we'd like to thank you for your kind wishes cards….presents and support and most of all for travelling down.
I'd like to thank Alan for his kind words I knew it'd be hard to follow his speech & I was right… I couldn't follow a word of it…
However, ever since the day I met Alan and Irene I have been treated as one of the family and this has made our journey to this day that much smoother.
Alan and Irene have given us so much help in the run up to this big day. I'd like to thank them personally also for all the kindness they have shown me and, most importantly for giving me your blessing to marry your beautiful and intelligent daughter. I hope that you don't feel that you've lost a daughter, but have gained another mouth to feed and someone to clean up after.
They say you don't marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without which is very true with Karen.
Karen you look amazing although I shouldn't be surprised as most of us know Karen always dresses to kill, unfortunately she cooks the same way.
But seriously, to my wife, my best friend and the love of my life, thank you for everything you have done. You know everything about me, including the really bad stuff, and love me just the same. I am extremely lucky today to be the one to marry you – and I know this is the start of many happy years together.
And of course I can now say that my dish-washer matches my fridge!
I would now like to thank my own mum and dad for all the love and support they have given me over the years. You have always been there for me and helped me though good times and bad especially in my younger days. I am very proud you flew over from America to share our special day.
Thank you to our readers, for their beautiful readings. In fact thank you beautiful readers for your readings. And also caterers and anyone else that needs a mention
Shortly be handing onto the best man – Ian and I go back to the age of 16. We became friends at college and have been close friends ever since.
Ian gave me a stag night a night to remember…..although I can't remember any of it. I was told it was good though.
One secret that I can share about Ian and not a lot of people know this he suffers from a rare medical condition which causes him to invent fanciful stories. He really does believe these stories to be true and I thank you for humouring him during his speech.
There's also an old Wolverhampton tradition not many people know about. The Groom should always look more handsome than the best man. So I'd like to thank Ian for making such an effort to uphold that tradition!
OK I could go on all night, trotting out the usual tired old jokes and fictitious anecdotes, but instead I'm going to leave that to the best man.
BUT before I do that I'd like you all to stand, raise your glasses and join me in toasting the bridesmaids… "The bridesmaids!"
I'm sure you'll agree they are all absolutely stunning and they've done an excellent job looking after my beautiful bride today.
Well, that's my lot.
Can I please now ask you all to welcome a man who needs no introduction…….but I will introduce him anyway….my best man and best friend, Ian.