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Speech by paul fieldson

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: paul fieldson
Speech Date: 08/03/2010 20:41:34

Thank you Mike for those kind words

I had a fantastic speech all worked out today but now I'm married my new wife has told me what to say.

So Family and Friends I'd like to thank each and every one of you for the amount of effort you have made to be here to celebrate our marriage. We know some of you have travelled a long way to be here to celebrate with us so we hope that the today is enjoyable for you as it is special to us. you should see some disposable cameras on the tables, please feel free to use them and take pictures though out the day

On a personal note I would especially like to thank my new in laws Maggie and Trev who have done everything to make me feel welcome since I first started dating Bev on this day 2 years ago. And also thank them for making this day possible.  Maggie I'd like to thank you for giving birth to Bev all them 33 years ago and Trev id like to thank you for giving Bev away this morning so willingly, a bit to willingly if you ask me.
cue gifts and flowers

I can't stand up here without giving a special thanks to my mum & dad who have always been there for me with support and guidance in every big decision I have made in my life, you have always been there and I can't thank you enough so here is a little token of my appreciation…[cue flowers and gift]

When I proposed to Bev I put a lot of thought into what would make a good marriage, the dictionary says that a marriage is the institution whereby men and woman are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependency for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family, if only things were that simple. I've asked around and some people say a marriage consists of 3 rings, engagement ring wedding ring and suffering, others say that its an alliance of 2 people one who never remembers birthdays and anniversaries and another who never forgets. I personally think marriage is devoting all your time and effort to make that one special person happy and indulging on the good times and being there for each other through the bad. Bev, when I proposed to you I took it as a commitment; a commitment to making you happy and to do what I can to be there for you in any way I possibly can until we're grey and old.

Now speaking of grey and old I'd like to thank my best man. When I first set the wedding day I instantly knew who I wanted to be my best man but unfortunately he couldn't make it so I settled for Mike instead. Mike has always given me the best advice he can even if it's the one we don't want to here – to me he is not only the best man here today but the best man I have and will ever know. So on behalf of myself and Bev, I thank you.

No wedding is complete without testosterone ridden ushers and a pack of bridesmaids – I'm sure you all agree that they all look beautiful, and so do the bridesmaids.

Now I'm not going to stand up here all day and bore you with bad jokes, that was the best man's job. I just have 1 task to fulfill. As you can all agree my new wife looks absolutely fantastic and I have to quote what my sister first said to Bev when I introduced them “ what exactly do you see in our Paul well to be honest I don't know but I've wrote a poem about what I see in you…

Bev in every way possible you are my best mate,
And with you in my life I know it will be great.

Bev in every way possible your beauty is rare,
With your blue eyes and your curly hair.

Bev in every way possible you are very strange,
And you know what I mean with your own little ways.

Bev in every way possible you really look after me,
You even get up first on a weekend and make me a cuppa tea.

Bev in every way possible you will be a great wife,
I want to make you happy my entire life.

Bev I love you so much with all my heart,
I will stand by your side till death do us part.

I thank you all again hope I did not boar you too much I would just like to finally raise a toast to my beautiful wife……….to Bev.