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Speech by Paul Tovey

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Paul Tovey
Speech Date: Oct2004

Thank you Alan for those kind words, the cheques in the post and you can have another 12 months of Technical support for your PC free of charge.

Thanks – Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is, apparently, my job to do all the thank you's. I will try to be brief. However, I do have one or two things I'd like to say and so many people to thank that you might think you've walked into an Oscar ceremony by mistake, so please relax and bear with me for a few minutes.

The first and biggest thank-you is to all of you. Thank you all for choosing to share today with us. We are delighted and touched to see so many of you here. We're especially grateful to those people who have travelled a long distance.
And thank you, of course for all the wonderful gifts. As a matter of fact, we're beginning to regret not inviting more of you to our engagement party.

Thanks – Kerina

Tradition dictates that I now tell you an amusing story or two about Kerina,

Unfortunately she dictates that I do no such thing. But I will say, that we've been living together now for nearly 2 and a half years, and in that time I've learned a very valuable lesson:

Whenever you're Wrong – Admit It!!
Whenever you're Right – Keep Quiet!!

The term ‘better half’ doesn't quite do her justice. I suppose every groom thinks his bride is the most beautiful in the world and that's how I feel today. I'm completely overwhelmed at how fantastic she looks, and feel hugely privileged that she's chosen to be my wife.

Without doubt though, the most important ‘Thank You’ I have to say today, is to my new Bride and wife. [Pause] Kerina Marie Tovey, you look absolutely gorgeous. I'm so glad we're now married…caring, talented, modest, good-looking…I can see why you picked me. Seriously though, ‘Thank you’
for marrying me and making me so happy. I realise that I'm getting the best of this deal, because I get you while all you get is me, so I would like to drink my own private toast to you and to our future together. I know that today is the result of the best decision I have ever made, and I'll try my best to make sure that you can say the same thing.

[Raise your glass and toast her]

It has to be said, Kerina has been rather more involved than I have in planning today, and I'd like to congratulate her on a fine job. Of course, wedding organisation has never been an equal opportunities business anyway, but she did let me sign the occasional cheque – which was nice?

Thanks In-laws

I'd like to thank Alan and Carole for welcoming me into their family and for bringing up such a lovely daughter. Believe it or not but I'm actually a very shy person, but you have made it very easy for me to fit in and I hope I can be everything you want from a son-in-law and more.

But more than that I'd like to thank you for raising such a beautiful Daughter. To anyone who knows Kerina it is obvious that they have done a great job, helping mould her into the wonderful person she is today.

Kerina and I would also like to thank you both for your support in organising this special day.

Thanks Mum & Dad

Mum and Dad, thanks for everything that you have given me during my life.
And for all your help and support in planning today. Thanks for bringing me up the way you have, for all of your encouragement and support. But most of all thank you for instilling in me whatever it is that convinced Kerina that she wanted to marry me; on that score alone, I think you can be justifiably proud of yourselves; I am certainly proud to have you as my parents.

(Flowers – Mums)

And now I think we have some flowers and gifts for my two Mums… And may I just add that you both look beautiful today.

Thanks Keef & Darren

There are just a few more people I need to thank….first the two guys sitting at the end of the table, who despite their appearance, aren't bouncers, but are, in fact, my Best Men, Keef and Darren. Keef has been working hard for this day starting with a new fitness regime. He's started doing a lot of jogging to keep fit .. And you have to hand it to him; it's not easy to jog when you're eating a deep pan pizza. His idea of a balanced diet is a big mac in each hand!
And of course not forgetting Darren, the Jamie Mitchell look-a-like, who has helped me out too many times to mention over the years.
I've known them both for about 8 years now and I couldn't ask for a better couple of guys.
I'm not sure I should give you the gift now with your speech pending. I should perhaps just mention at this point that both Keef and Darren suffer from a rare medical condition which, makes them prone to embellishment. They often invent the most fanciful stories, which they sincerely believe to be true. I hope that you will all bear this in mind when they stand up to speak in a few moments. Thanks for all your help.

[Gift for Keef and Darren]

Thanks – Ushers

And now the two great ushers, Danny & Richard. I've known these chaps for years and they have certainly done the business today. To show my grattitude I've managed to set them both up with new jobs as lumberjacks … For bonsai trees – Seriously, Thanks a lot guys

[Gift for Danny and Richard]

Thanks Amanda, Louise & Angus

I'd also like to thank Amanda, Louise and Angus who have all helped in ensuring today has gone smoothly. Would you please come up and collect your gift.

[Gift for Amanda, Louise & Angus]

Thanks – The Warren, Photographer Ben, Toastmaster Denis, & The harpist Luisa-Marie.

I'd also like to thank the Warren for providing the venue and the marvellous food that you've all just eaten. Thanks to Ben the photographer, Thanks to Denis the toastmaster and thanks to Luisa-Marie for playing the Harp so beautifully.

I think you'll all agree they've all been great.

Thanks to you all.

Bridesmaids Toast

So I've been told the golden rule of speeches is "Quit while at least some of the audience are still awake," so that is exactly what I will do. So if the person next to you has nodded off please give them a nudge, as I know they wouldn't want to miss the toast. (No Kerina, that's not Cheese on

We'd like to thank the Bridesmaids Fleur & Suzanne for all their help in the preparation for today, I think you'll agree they look fantastic. We have some gifts for you.

[Gifts for Fleur and Suzanne]

So with that in mind, I'd like to finish with the traditional Bridegroom's toast to the Bridesmaids. So please stand and raise your glasses with me.

Ladies and gentlemen, the toast is "Fleur and Suzanne – the Bridesmaids."

One last thing before I sit down I'd like to finish by reading a quotation I came across a couple of days ago, that I found very apt.

"Happy marriages begin when we marry the one we love, And they blossom when we love the one we married"

With that thought in mind, I look forward to a wonderful married life together.

And now for the bit you've all been waiting for, the best man's speech.
Chaps, I don't mind admitting I'm a little worried, please be kind. Over to you Keef & Darren!!!!!