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Speech by Peter Sullion

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Peter Sullion
Speech Date: Aug2005
I'll try and keep this as brief as possible as Maria has threatened to kick me under the table if I start waffling.
Now I'm not going to stand here and tell you a lot of stale old jokes, I'm going to leave that to my best man.

Speaking for the both of us, we would like to thank everyone for coming today, especially those that have travelled some distance to be here, it never fails to surprise me the lengths that some people will go to for a free meal and drinks.

No seriously; we really appreciate you all being here to celebrate this special day with us, it means a lot, also many thanks for all your kind thoughts and gifts.

My first thanks go to my friend, my love and my bride; you look amazing. Maria has practically organised and arranged the whole wedding herself; at times this has been a heavy burden for her to bear, she has, I think you'll all agree, done an amazing job.

Maria's family, from the very first time I'd met them, have treated me like a member of the family, I couldn't honestly ask for a better or kinder family to marry into.

Firstly I'd like to thank Maria's mother for allowing me to marry your daughter, I will always look after her, but Maria must learn that her husband is always right, even when he is wrong.

Wedding speeches can also be an opportunity to say how you feel about the people you care about, my dad deserves huge thanks; he did an amazing job in raising us all under incredibly difficult circumstances.

Are you all still awake? Don't worry not long to go now!

I would like to thank Colin for agreeing to be my best man, he has been there in many hours of need; he is also a brilliant removals man. Thanks go out to Benny for being bridesmaid, you look great.

Also thanks to the pageboys and the flower girls, also to their parents, kiki for the loan of his car and the rings, also to Irene for all the support she has given to Maria in the absence of her mother, including hours of Maria trying on wedding dresses to choose that fabulous one, great choice.

Last but not least many thanks to my excellent chief interpreter Dimo.We met demo earlier this year, he stayed with us for a few days while attending interviews in London. At first I thought he had a serious drinking problem as he stank of Rakeya.But dimo informed us that the bottle of Rakeya he was carrying for us had broken and contaminated all his clothing. Thanks for interpreting; my Bulgarian is about as good as my Greek!

To all the friends and everyone I have met through Maria in Bulgaria you have all welcomed we with open arms and I thank you all.

Well that's all my lot, we want you all to have a brilliant time tonight so enjoy! And to all of you from the UK careful with the Rakeya,I'm sure in other areas of the world its main use is as a paint stripper.

Would you please stand and join me in a toast to my beautiful bride, Maria.
To Maria!