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Speech by Peter Walsh

To you all at Hitched Thanks very much to your website, I could not have done it without the ideas that I got from reading other peoples speeches. Hope that mine helps someone else with the best day of their lives!!

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Peter Walsh
Speech Date: Sep2004

Thank you Pete for those kind words, and I hope that I am able to live up to your expectations as a son in law.


I was really nervous about standing up in front of everyone today and giving a speech, so I thought I had better prepare well in advance for this. I did lots of research, wrote quite a few drafts and rehearsed for ages, and finally got it fully sorted. What I didn't realise at the time was that this is an entirely inappropriate course of action for someone just about to get married – and now that I am indeed a married man, my wife has told me exactly what to say. What is really funny is that you think I'm joking!


Anyway, I've been looking forward to saying this for a long time.…
On behalf of my wife and I..…
I would like to start by thanking you all for being here to share this special day with us, it truly would not be the same without you. I know that this is meant to be our day, but it really wouldn't be anywhere near as special without all our friends and family being here with us, so again, a big thank you to all of you. We would also like to thank you all for all the cards, kind thoughts and fabulous gifts and all the honeymoon vouchers that you have given us.

Godparents, Aunt & Uncle

As is always the case at occasions such as this, there are people that need to be singled out for a special mention, and today is no exception. I know that all of you have come a long way to be here, and there are people who have travelled from all over the country, but there are 4 people that have come a REALLY long way that I would like to extend a huge thank you to. Could I please ask you to join me in giving a round of applause for my Godparents, Leslie and Andrew, who have come all the way from South Africa, and my Uncle and Aunt, Ian and Sheila, who have come all the way from America – Claire and I both truly appreciate you being here. {Round of applause}

Pete & Sue

Thank you also to Pete and Sue for all your help in making today possible, not least for raising Claire to be such a wonderful daughter, and for agreeing to give me her hand in marriage. From a personal perspective, I would also like to thank you both for making me feel so welcome in your family. Our sincere thanks again for all your help with today, and Sue, here is a gesture of our appreciation. {Give flowers to Sue}

My Parents

Thanks also to my parents for putting up with me over the years and both Claire and I do sincerely hope that our children grow up to be nothing like I was as a child. All of you genuinely deserve individual medals for patience and endurance, and I hope that you are as proud of me as I am of you all. Thanks again to you all for your help with today, Mum and Av, a gesture of our appreciation. {Give flowers to Mum and Av}


To the ushers, Paul and Ashley, thanks to you both for doing a great job of getting everyone organised, but I must admit though that “sit where you are told or get a slap” was not exactly the type of comment that I had in mind when I asked you to do it! Only joking, thanks again guys.

Best Man

Now, a very special thank you to my little brother Michael for agreeing to the burden of being my best man, although I must warn you that these thanks may be somewhat premature, as firstly I haven't seen his speech, and secondly I am seriously hoping he does a much better job of delivering it than he did of arranging my stag do. Only joking! Michael, thanks bro, I hope that you enjoy this. {Give Michael present}

Stag Party

On the matter of my Stag do, it was a great weekend and everyone had a great time, thanks to my bother again for arranging it, and to those of you that were able to make it, sincere thanks for being there. Cheers guys. A special mention here to my Father, who, despite his years managed to continue partying with us into the small hours of the morning after some serious go-karting on Friday and after getting well and truly splattered at paint-balling on Saturday. Well done Dad.


When I was asking people earlier today what Claire looked like in her wedding dress, everyone told me she looked wonderful, but that really didn't prepare me for the sight I got when I turned round to see her myself. I am sure that you will all agree with me that Claire looks absolutely stunningly beautiful, and I was overwhelmed to say the least – you look gorgeous babe!

And so, to the person I must thank most of all – Claire, my wife and my best friend – thank you for everything you have done for me, and for making me the happiest man alive. You know everything about me and love me just the same, I know that I have my faults, and yet you still agreed to marry me. I am extremely lucky to be the one that you said yes to – and I am truly honoured to be standing here today as you husband. Thank you babe, I love you. {KISS}


Finally, to the bridesmaids, didn't they look wonderful? Jo and Amanda, thank you both very much for being here today for us.
And so, Ladies and Gentlemen, can I please ask you to charge your glasses, as I would like to propose a toast.… To the Bridesmaids! {Toast to Bridesmaids}


Ok, I think I've just about gone on for long enough! Once again, a huge thank you to you all, and I hope you enjoy the rest of today and this evenings festivities.