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Speech by Phil Old

Dear hitched, Thanks for you help!!!! I plagerised some of your speeches to great effect for A Grooms speech (second marriage)) Used at my wedding on the 15th August 2004). Thanks to all who contributed. Phil Old .

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Phil Old
Speech Date: Aug2004
Dear friends before making this speech, I did ask for advice. Probably the best given was that a good speech has a good beginning and a good ending, whereas a great speech has the two of them very close together. But since when have I ever listened to advice? It's at times like these when I really wish I had listened to my Mum. I can't call on the benefit of that advice though, as I don't know what she said, unfortunately I wasn't listening. It was a trick I developed when staying with my great Aunt. You just say yes or no when the noise stops, if there follows a silence just say pardon!!!! I did pass this on to my little brother Michael but He already new as without looking up from his toy cars (nothing changes), he just said pardon. Actually, I did have a great speech worked out for you today, but seeing that I am now married, my good wife has told me everything I should say instead.
So as Henry VIII said to each one of his wives ‘I shall not keep you long’.
The last time I was at a wedding reception I was the father of the Bride, odd isn't it,, my daughter Anne and her husband Martin are both here so I can't use any lines from that speech.
Most couples on their wedding day describe it as the happiest day of their lives. That really worries me as it implies that as from tomorrow it's downhill all the way, so I'm making the most of today. However, I must say that as I'm such a nervous wreck today, anything life throws at me later, will seem like a walk in the park by comparison.
This day has obviously been much anticipated by Maggie and myself and I am happy to say that so far it has been simply perfect. Now that the ceremony is over the party to celebrate our marriage can begin. So please relax with us and enjoy the rest of the day we have in store for you. It does promise to be a very special one. There are quite a few people responsible for ensuring this to whom Maggie and I would like to give our thanks.
Which leads me on to the most important person here today to whom I would like to give my very special and sincere thanks. She is the one person in the room I owe the most, my lovely wife Maggie. I still can't believe that such a truly special person as Maggie agreed to marry me. Maggie you know everything about me and love me just the same. You know all my faults, yet still agreed to marry me. I am extremely lucky to have been the one to marry you – and I hope this is the start of many happy years together. "Every day you look lovelier and lovelier, and today my love you look like tomorrow.” To quote John Keats's immortal line, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever. To my wife, my bride my joy, thank you for everything you have done
You are beautiful, intelligent, supporting, kind, funny, caring, patient, unassuming. Sorry Mags I can't read your writing, what does the rest of this say?
At this point I think I should answer the question I have frequently been asked, and explain the circumstances under which we met. Sorry, but as with all good romance novels, this could take some time. We met through an introduction brought about by my then colleague Christine Snape the best Home EC teacher I have ever taught with, who decided that it was time I stopped mopping about and re-joined the real world. She dragged me with her usual enthusiasm to the halfway house where I was introduced to Macbeths three witch_ _ _ Sorry dear!! Our good friends Ann Bretherton, Christine Leadbeater ne:- Parkinson and Maggie who put up with my blathering all night. We all continued to meet over the next few weeks and Maggie continued to listen (she's good at that). It was then arranged that we should go on a Sunday guided walk starting from Dent in the Dales. To get there we caught the Clitheroe to Carlisle train crossing the famous Riblehead viaduct. It was a beautiful sunny day; we stopped for a picnic on a grass bank by the stream running through the Dent valley.
Maggie and I led down next to each other taking in the sun and the sounds of nature, a tractor in the distance actually. It was an electric moment. I won't bore you with the rest of this magic day or mention Maggie sticking grass down my pants and into my shirt. except to say that I plucked up the courage to kiss her for the first time on the car park of Clitheroe Railway Station as we parted. That is to say on the lips not the car park but she did kiss me back and the rest is history.
Someone once said that a good marriage is at least 80 percent good luck in finding the right person at the right time. The rest is trust. I think this perfectly sums up how we met, and how our relationship has since developed
An old sage once said that we make a living by what we get, whereas we make a life by what we give. Very true words indeed. Maggie you give me your love and so much more with only one condition; that I give you my love in return. This I gladly do. I am not marrying someone I can live with; I have married the one person I cannot live without.
Just for those who think that I am talking Japanese (including my son Nick who once accused me of talking fluent Mandarin):- ai mite no, no chi no kokoro ni, kurabureba, mukashi wa mono o, omowazari keri. The translation of which goes something like this, within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.

To Michael and Margaret Rainford, who kindly agreed to be our witnesses? Maggie and I would personally like to thank you both.
Margaret and Michael have been special friends of Maggie for many years and have accepted me into their fellowship. Michael even lets me use his workshop :- There's trust indeed.

To my Parents. Who worked especially hard to teach me the difference between right and wrong. Thank you both so very much, I now know exactly which one it is I am enjoying at any given time! It has been written that when children find true love, parents find true joy. Here's to your joy and ours, from this day forward.
You know my Dad is a fast learner when I was 16 he knew nothing but by the time I reached 27 he had learned a hell of a lot.

I would At this point like to personally thank Duncan, Sarah and Philip, Maggie's children for accepting me and supporting us both. I accept the delivery note:-
Received one Mother in good condition, fully guaranteed, fully warranted. Comes complete with all extras. I have to say the nurse's uniform is my favourite, but to be honest it is a little small on me.
Care notes: – gets bored easily keep busy with a constant supply of missions.

My gratitude and thanks also go to my children Anne and Nick for putting up with Me the grouch all their lives
And for not telling Maggie about it before we were married.
And of course their wives and partners Anne's new husband Martin introduced me to rough shooting and has promised to take me back up to Scotland where Maggie and I had some happy times with them, Sarah's husband Chris who shares his passion for PC's and his friendship with me, Alex for looking after Nick, putting up with his free spirit and being the mother of my Grandchildren and Louise who got Philip here in a suit.
This really has felt like a fairytale wedding, having just married Snow-Gran I must thank her seven (I must be politically correct here), little people. Our Grand children Stuart, Bethany, Courtney, Chloe, Robbie, Lewis and Matthew who supported her today.
Christine Lead beater has been most kind to Maggie and I, not only did she chaperone the Dent walk but she has made and iced the Wedding cake for today's lunch. I first really spoke to her husband Mike in the toilets at a link dance where we were both trying hard to dry our shirts under the hot air hand dryer but that's another story.
The second chaperone on the afore mentioned walk Rimingtons Lady Penelope and Parker Anne Bretherton and her partner David. We are very grateful for the transport you have provided for us in thunderbird 5. It was very thoughtful and much appreciated, especially at this personally sad time for you.
Long before I stuck my oar in, Maggie had developed a close group of friends who have supported helped and encouraged her over the years. To her great friend Nancy who has kindly agreed to be best girl, to Carol, Julie and their husbands Sam and David. I give my sincere thanks, you have been so kind to Maggie and we do look forward to your continuing friendship.
Graham and Denis, thank you for my stag do. Until then I had never been to a lap-dancing club and I am glad that after my stag do I can still say I have never been to one. Seriously lads thanks for your friendship and for occasionally letting me win. Thanks also to Lesley and Jean for letting them out to play on a Sunday morning.

Maggie and I would also like to thank, to give him his full title for once our friend, spiritual guide and mean lead guitarist the Reverend Les Collinson vicar of St Barnabus Church for agreeing to arranging and performing performing our blessing and of course his good wife Maureen. I am sure you would all wish to thank as Maggie and I do the music group who made the ceremony so celebratory and fun. Also Bernard who came all the way over from Longridge just to sing the Magnificate for us.
I must mention the help of Paul and all the staff of the Astley Bank Hotel, and indeed all of you who have helped in making this a very special day for both of us.
Thank you all for your coming today and supporting us at this very special event in our lives.
I must say isn't it funny how history repeats itself? Just over 21 years ago (I'm a Gentleman and there aren't many of us left are there Dad), Maggie's Mum and Dad were putting her to bed with a dummy, and now it's happening all over again!
And so Family and dear friends, I think I've gone on for quite long enough! Once again, a huge thank you to you all, Maggie and I hope you enjoy the rest of today and this evening.
Michael My wife and I thank you most sincerely for the toast and all of you for the way you have received it.