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Speech by Philip Bargh

Hi there, I found your site a fantastic reference point when I got married in July 2001. Therefore I have no problem if you want to use my speech (attached as a Word document). I was the GROOM !! The speech went down extrremely well and all the guests found it very funny and enjoyable to listen to. I used your example speeches as well as lots of material from other sites to put this one together. There was lots of laughter and it couldn't have been received any better. Thanks for an excellent site that helped me out at lot!!! Kind regards, Philip Bargh

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Philip Bargh
Speech Date: May 2002
Ladies & Gentlemen,

I too had a speech prepared but of course now I'm married, Jessica has told me what to say! I must say I was very surprised to learn today that I can have 16 wives?! The vicar said in the Church service –
4 better, 4 worse, 4 richer, 4 poorer. The day just gets better!

I'd like to start by thanking my father-in-law, for those wonderfully kind and generous words. Ray – I'm just glad you could read my handwriting and that £10 was enough to do it!

On behalf of my wife and I, I would like to thank everyone for sharing our very special day with us. Thank you for all of the wonderful gifts that you have given us – I'm certainly looking forward to seeing how someone has managed to gift-wrap a wheel-barrow! We seem to have quite a few bathroom towels and soap dishes – I'm not too sure what people are trying to say there…

We've both been very nervous about today and it means a great deal to us that you are sharing the day with us and we hope that you are enjoying the occasion every bit as much as we are.

I would like to re-inforce Ray's comments in saying a special thank you to those of you who have travelled some distance to be here with us today. I know that many of you have travelled from outside the Midlands and from outside the country too – Thank you so much for making the effort to travel that distance and we are delighted that you could all be here with us.

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I would like to thank Val & Ray for everything they have done for us and especially for making me feel so welcome in to the family.

I feel very proud to be able to say that I am your son-in-law and I will always do my best to live up to your expectations and promise to take good care of Jessica and, of course, do everything that she tells me to do..…

….now I'm not saying she's bossy…..but I know my place!

Thanks for giving us such a wonderful day today – both Jessica and I feel that you have given us the day that we have always dreamed of. I am sure that everyone will agree what a fantastic day it has been so far – even the weather seems to have been on our side.

And, most importantly for giving me your blessing to marry your beautiful and intelligent daughter. I'll let everyone argue over which of those traits she inherits from Val and which she inherits from Ray.

I hope you don't feel that you've lost a daughter but have gained another mouth to feed and someone to clean up after.

Val – you've worked so hard for many months to prepare for today to make sure that everything is perfect. You've helped us in organising everything from the venue, the cars, the cake, the wedding dresses, the favours, the live band tonight……..the list goes on so I better stop there. I can't begin to thank you enough for all that you have done for us.

And to thank Ray for agreeing to take on the second-mortgage to pay for today without too much complaint!

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I also want to say a special thank you to my mum and dad.

You have both been there for me when I've needed you and have given me so much love and support over the years. You've seen me through my college and university days and have given me such a wonderful start in life.
I am very fortunate and proud to have you as my mum and dad.

Thanks for all the guidance and advice you've given me, for putting up with me and for pointing me in the right direction – usually only to watch me go off and do exactly the opposite, of course… but that's what sons are for and do best.

And for welcoming Jessica in to the family with open arms and everything you have done for her over the years. Mum – don't worry I will still come round to see you ….… and at the same time use the computer, bring some washing and generally leave a mess behind so nothing changes really! And Dad – I would like to say thank you for the lovely readings in Church today as well.

I know you've both often said that Jessica and I brighten up your lives.…
mind you I think that's because we never did learn to turn any lights off.

Both mum and dads have been a huge help with the house. I am not sure we could have done it without you and you have certainly helped us get settled and have given us such a great start to our married life together.

Jeff and Ray in particular who managed to talk us out of buying a property which, and I quote from the auction guide:
"is perhaps somewhat dated and in need of modernising"
which actually turned out to be a burned-out shell next to a flooding river.

You certainly don't need changing rooms when Jeff and Ray are around!

And we would like to present Val & Ray and Margaret and Jeff with a luxury 4-day break down in Bath to say just how much we appreciate everything you have done for both of us over the years and to thank you for giving us the best day of our lives. Have a wonderful time!

..and the winner of the best-dressed mother of the bride goes to..

..and the winner of the best-dressed mother of the groom goes to..

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As some of you know there is quite an age difference between Jessica and I [although I am a gentleman so I won't tell you exactly how much younger I am] so the first time I visited their house I took a box of chocolates in an attempt to show Val I wasn't really a cradle snatcher. I can't believe that was almost five years ago…

For our first date I thought I'd take Jessica to the large cinema complex at Meadowhall – it seemed a really cool thing to do to impress her. You have to bear in mind that this was bonfire night just after Halloween and there were lots of scary movies showing at the time.… After the film the lights came back up and I stood up and had the fright of my life. I was absolutely covered in popcorn – it had stuck to my jumper! I looked like a cross between the Michelin man and something from one of the horror movies!

However, I thought this would put the relationship to the test to see if Jessica would be there for me for support – but I remember when I looked round she was laughing so hard she was nearly in tears. I still can't look at popcorn to this day without having the nightmares!

I know that Jessica will probably not say anything so I thought I should mention that she has designed her own wedding dress as well as the bridesmaid's dresses. Jessica – I just want to say that you look stunningly beautiful and I know am a very very lucky man indeed.


You really have made me the happiest and proudest man alive today by saying “I will” and I can't wait to tell everyone that you are now Mrs Bargh at every opportunity. I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time in the sunny Florida keys!

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I want to say a thank you to Paul and Adrian for agreeing to be our ushers and in doing such a great job for us today.

We have a gift here for you both – it's a practical present rather than something that that you would put away and, perhaps, never use!

So if you'd both like to come forward to collect your prize.


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For those of you who don't know my best man, John Pearson, we have worked together for a good number of years now and I want to say a very big thank you to John for being my best man today.

I certainly couldn't have chosen a better man for the job.

Although, perhaps I ought to wait until I have heard what you are going to say about me first before saying that really !

Thanks for your help before the big day and more importantly for getting me here on time! Although I still think trying to wash and dress me was a bit over the top…

And as a token of our appreciation for all your efforts we would like you to accept a gift from us both to help you with all your home DIY projects!


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I would like to say a very special thank you to all of the bridesmaid's.

I am sure you will all agree they look very beautiful and I will treasure the picture in my mind for many years to come of you walking in to church down the aisle with Jessica. You all look absolutely gorgeous.

And on that note, I would like to propose a toast to the bridesmaid's so would you all please raise your glasses and join us as we toast… THE BRIDESMAIDS.

Now to the part the bridesmaid's have been waiting for.… their gifts!


I would like say a a few final thank you's. Firstly to all the staff here at the Maynard Arms for preparing the room and the meal so beautifully and to our good friend, Richard, for singing in the choir in church for us today! And to the Reverend's Ian Mitchell and Steven Sawyer for the lovely Church service.

If I could finish by saying I hope you all enjoy yourselves this evening and Jessica and I will try to mingle amongst everyone as much as we can tonight.… that is if I'm not still chasing John around the garden for what he is about to say in his speech!

John – is £10 enough for you as well?


Thank you.

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