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Speech by Philip Benerson

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Philip Benerson
Speech Date: Sep2004
LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND FRIENDS ALL. On Behalf of my wife and I, It gives me very great pleasure to welcome you all to our wedding. In life, we have only but a small number of truly pleasurable landmark moments and for Joanna and I today is up there with the best of them, especially because we are able to share it with you. I know that some of you have travelled great distances to be here, for example from Birmingham, The Lake district and, in the case of Catherine and Roger, from Cape Town, South Africa. We thank you and welcome you all.

It is nearly a year ago since Joanna and I were engaged and from that moment to this, there has been an enormous effort put in by several individuals to make today such a special occasion for Joanna and I and they deserve our very warm thanks.

Firstly, My thanks to

(IN LAWS) for raising such a wonderful daughter and entrusting her to my care. Thank you for the endless hours helping to organise things, all the ringing around you're your generous financial support and help in making our big day possible.

You have both been very supportive towards me over last four years, even when I haven't always deserved it. However, (Father In Law), you have forgiven me for the occasion when I even considering ordering a sunroof for my new car instead of a passenger airbag to secure the safety of your daughter and, you, (Mother In Law), for understanding that when on one occasion in the last five years, I compared your daughter's iron will and determination as being comparable to that of Attilla the Hun, I did so out of love ..… and not out of frustration.

MY MOTHER: For all your love and support, for nagging the pair of us for years to get married and for helping us celebrate by covering the champagne bill today.

THE CHIEF BRIDESMAID: Thank you for being such sure support for Joanna over the past few months and for getting all the points of detail right, especially on invitations, menus and the orders of service.

There are many others, including all my Ushers and the Best Man, , but my time and their modesty prevents me, so I finally thank Jonathan (the Vicar, who was also dining) for his excellent marriage service earlier today. Joanna and I feel very honoured to have been married by you today.

Many people thought this day might never come; that I would be standing here making the speech of a Newly Married man, myself included. Many people have also told me how lucky I am to be marrying Joanna, including Joanna herself.

So how did this come to pass?

Five years ago, when I was footloose and fancy free, I had a black tie ball to go to and no one to take; so I went in search of a partner for a smart black tie ball and where better to start looking but at that classy establishment, the Leopard Lounge in Fulham.

I had noticed over the past few weeks two twins were new on the scene and I went in search for them. Frankly either would do but the first one who was available was Joanna. I asked her to the ball suggesting she would have a nice time even though she wouldn't know anyone there from a bar of soap, but somewhat unexpectedly, she agreed! The strangers were close friends of mine and are mostly sitting on that table over there. Despite their appearances, Joanna got on well with them and with me that evening and the rest, as they say, is history.

In our five years’ courtship, I have had several opportunities to reflect on why I should be marrying Joanna, chief among them being at 2:58pm in the church, just before the service.

Despite her father's legendary ability to pick crisp fruity French reds, she doesn't drink. Despite my enthusiasm for cigars, she doesn't smoke and earlier today, our Vicar with the words “ … everything I have, I share with you …”, did nothing to diminish Joanna's appetite for Gucci, Ferragamo, Armani, Jimmy Choo shoes or Mulberry.

However, I, in common with all her friends, have learned that Joanna is very kind, warm hearted, affectionate, happy, beautiful, loving and intelligent and is frankly, a much more decent human being than I am. She is also my best friend and I am thrilled and honoured that today she agreed to be my wife.

This morning when the Best Man and I were getting ready, he turned to me and asked "Is everything okay?" I don't mind telling you that I was taken aback by this. In all the years that I've known him, that's the first time he's expressed any interest in my well-being. I do hope that that sentiment is carried into his speech, but if it isn't, receive him well but please treat him as a bit of mere entertainment.

However, before doing so, please raise your glasses and drink a rich and well deserved toast to Sarah and Caroline who are our beautiful bridesmaids: so, Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you: The Bridesmaids!