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Speech by Philip Hostick

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Philip Hostick
Speech Date: oct 2003
Ladies and gentlemen bearing in mind that public speaking is a waste of valuable
drinking time, the bars open, you're not paying and a good few of you are well
renowned for liking your pop, I'm sure I will endear myself to you all by keeping
this speech brief.

Firstly I'd like to thank the brides parents – Derek and Rosemary for having such a
beautiful and wonderful daughter and bringing her up to know whats right from wrong.
…which more often than not means that Claires right and I'm wrong ..… SERIOUSLY
It seems odd to be saying this as Claire and I have been together now for one or
two years hence I genuinely do feel like a member of your family already and not
being one for too much emotion I have never actually gotten around to saying a
proper thanks. THANKYOU for accepting me into your family and especially for all of
your help in making today happen. as a token of our appreciation please accept
these flowers from both Claire and I.

To my Mum and Dad – Pat and George .I'd like also to say thank you, for all off
your help and support and many many things over my 25 years, (private joke I'm
actually 30 but never admit it) most of which are far too personal to list. suffice
to say that despite me trying I never did have anyones eye out, eating lots and
lots of chocolate never turned me into it and contrary to popular opinion I dont
look like this cos the wind blew whilst I was pulling a face as a child. AGAIN as a
token of our appreciation please accept these flowers from Claire and I.

To our friends and families, It is true what they say about not knowing just how
popular you are, until you sit down and compile a list of how many of you there are
that you would like to come to your wedding. then realise that its too many and
you'll need to cross some of the list, or atleast put the names into a hat. with
thiis in mind then I would like to thank all of YOU lucky people whos names did get
picked, for coming today and for your very generous gifts.

Thanks to the best man, my brother Chris for an excellent Stag night (Look at him
then at myself)and for making me look so handsome in a suit. Please bear in mind
during his speech that he does write fantasy and fiction books for a living so any
stories he tells you will of course be made up. I aint that interesting, Claire
will tell you. I have a small gift for you aswell which I'd like you to accept not
just for being my best man but for being the best brother I could have hoped for.
And many a time I did hope.

Now it may come as a surprise to Claires parents but I knew from our very first
night together that I would one day marry Claire, I can say this with no
contradiction or fear because when we was alone in that van there was fireworks and
the earth moved. It was november 5th 1995 and Ian had just let off the biggest
banger you could get for £20 right underneath us.

Surely then the only question you can have is why has it taken us so long to
actually tie the knot, 7 years ish. well I'll let you in on a secret Its all down
to maturity.

women are like fine wine, they all start out as grapes, its a mans job to stamp on
them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something that you'd like to
have dinner with or put in your cellar.

ladies and gentleman what can I say my taste in wine is rich, full bodied, fruity
and one that goes down well.

Seriously though

Claire, my wife, Princess.You look beautiful. despite me constantly telling you
that youre a lucky girl The reality is that I am a VERY very lucky man.… Thanks
for marrying me I will endeavour to make you as happy for the rest of your life as
you made me feel when you agreed to marry me

In time honoured tradition I'd like to propose a toast to the 2 lovely bridesmaids,
so If you'll all join me – nicole and natalie May it never be a case of always
the bridesmaid and never the bride.

And finally I couldn't let it pass without highlighting to you all the great
sacrifice that one person has made in coming here today..… For today is Sarahs
birthday and she is 30. So if you see someone sneaking off early this evening for a
cup of hot cocoa and her bed for the night it'll be her……… happy birthday

ladies and gentlemen thankyou again for being here today, for the wonderful gifts,
for your good wishes and most of all for your friendship now and in the future.

Once again on behalf of my wife and I…………..… thank you all very much and
enjoy the rest of the day.