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Speech by Richard Henry

I was Dreading this moment for soooo long! But it was ok. Actually nearly cried when I read the part about my Mum!  Also, about the speech itself, I spent so long on hitched reading the other speeches and they were a massive inspiration.  Hope mine will be the same to any other worried grooms! Mine's done! Time for yours!! It'll be me!


Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Richard Henry
Speech Date: 22/09/2012 14:20:18

Okay, so…here we are…Welcome to our wedding everybody I hope your all having a good day so far.  Now, I'm not the greatest public speaker so you're gonna have to bear with me as I struggle through this speech for the next…however long!  Also, I hope you all don't mind, but in order to help with my nerves, I've prepared myself a few lines… And now that I have just been and snorted them a little while ago I'm feeling much better about it all!!

First off, big thank you to Mandy, my new mother-in-law, for her kind words.  I'm glad you went easy on me! Cheers! Might have to change a few parts of mine now!

So, I'm really glad everyone made it ok.  Thanks so much to all of you for being here and celebrating this day with us.  They say it's the guests that make it how special as it is and I think in this case, that's definitely true.  We have pretty much everyone who is important to us here today and it really is one of the warmest feelings in the world. 

However, unfortunately, there are some people close to our hearts that could not be with us today. I know they are most certainly with us in spirit, and are in our thoughts and most importantly, in our hearts.  To name just a few, my Mum Eleanor, who sadly never got to meet her 3 beautiful granddaughters but goes without saying, would've absolutely adored them! My Sister Mandy, My Nan, Mary, my Uncle Colin and our good friend Brendan.  All of whom are sadly missed and will never be forgotten.  The family and friends also that could not make it for reasons of long distance, work commitments or whatever other problems presented themselves, this is for them. So will you all please raise a glass and have a drink…To absent family and friends.

Now a few more thank you's! Terri's Mum Mandy, thanks for giving birth to and raising such a wonderful person. Funny, Smart, Kind, laid-back, easy-going…And that's just Liam I'm talking about!!  Seriously, if it wasn't for you this day wouldn't be happening, so cheers! And that goes for the rest of the gang too, thanks to Rachael, Conor, Liam and Hayley and Auntie Nicki and of course, the Grand folks, Dave and Judy, you've all made me feel part of the family ever since Terri risked taking me home that time! A risk well taken in the end I guess!

And on the other hand thanks also to my dear old Dad.  I can imagine that he just wanted a son who was more like him.  Handsome, intelligent, responsible and above all else, had a sensible haircut!! (Grooms note: I have a big Mohawk for the wedding day)Well Dad, I'm sorry man!! You got me! You disagree with punk, you think that heavy metal is just noise, and you still think that Nirvana is a buddhist term describing a profound state of mind!! But despite all that, all along, you let me be what I wanted to be and did not try to interfere or influence my choices in life, even though you openly admitted you were worried about me! So I hope you think you've done a good job! And hope you are proud! Well done. And thanks! And the one thing he told me to remember in life which I still do and has particular relevance on this occasion, is he used to say, Rich, just remember, there's no such thing in life as a free lunch. Well I guess in this case, for everyone here, he was wrong, as you have all just found out today.  However for him, unfortunately, its one hundred percent true, as he will soon find out, when he gets the bill for this wedding reception!! Cheers Old Man!!

Now a few words about my wife! First, I wanna say cheers for agreeing to marry me and for making me happier than I already am in life. It feels so good to finally call you my wife. We've been together for the most part of 11 and a half years. But every day with you still feels as fresh as a first date.  I still look forward to hanging out with you every day, I still get butterflies when we kiss, and I still feel like the hero who got the girl every time I lie next to you in bed at night.  You are a really truly amazing mum.  Putting our kids happiness and well being before anything else, even yourself.  You are just amazing in everything you do.  And I'm so glad to have you.  And I will spend the rest of my life making sure I keep you.  Might even resort to chains if it comes to it!  Since we met at a festival and have been to many others together, which involves a lot of camping, I would say that our relationship gets very ‘In Tents’ sometimes! But that's the way we like and the way we intend to keep it!

As far as today goes, you've put your heart and soul into it.  Your blood sweat and tears, even, to make it a perfect day for both of us. And you've done an awesome job I'd say.  It's better than perfect to me. So thank you.  You look stunningly gorgeous today I think everyone will agree. So can you please hold up your drinks, and take a big old sip in a toast…To the bride!!

Don't worry I'm nearly done! Just a couple more thank you's! There's so many, we really wouldn't have been able to put this day together if it wasn't for them.  So special thanks go out to Brian, who married us today, for putting all our worries at ease and generally being a top bloke for everything he's said and done since we asked him for this part in today, Cheers Bri. And Also thanks to Mels Mum Sharon, for putting together the awesome buffet, and for the help with bunting making.  Sorry about the bunting eyes you had afterwards! I did hear! To our friend Tink, who is responsible for what your gonna see a little bit later, I won't spoil the surprise! Also thanks to Dougi, for running the school and all the technical details and for having to stay relatively sober tonight so he can lock up!  And just wanna let everyone know how amazed and overwhelmed I am, nearly to tears,  at the help and support we've had from our friends and even our friends families, they've gone above and beyond to help make this day possible so honestly, guys, to all involved, big big thank you from the bottom of my heart.  And obviously I speak on behalf of Terri as well, as my heart is hers too! Cheers!

Apart from the bride there are many other beautiful ladies here today! Among them – Our 3 daughters, Melodie Willow and Storm. And our niece Chaelsea. Thank you for being such wonderful bridesmaids you all look amazing! And of course the pageboys Kaine, Kieron and Jake, well done guys you look rock and roll man! Thank you! And massive thank you to chief bridesmaid Nicola, who has helped to keep Terri sane in the rockier parts of the journey, for being there for her girly support and for putting so much effort into her role. Well done Nicola! Please raise your glasses for a toast to the bridesmaids and pageboys!!

That just leaves me to finish on, and shortly pass you over to, my best men, Tim and Steve.  I can honestly say, I couldn't have picked 2 better guys for the job.  No really, I couldn't.  I tried, but everyone else I asked said no!! Na only kidding, thanks guys, my good old friends from school, thanks for accepting, and for listening to my weird requests and all my panicking and whinging phone calls! We've shared a lot of our early life experiences together and have some wicked memories from those legendary days.  Steve's mum used to call us The 3 Amigos, and now, over 20 years later, we're still Amigos.  Always will be.  That's why there was never any doubt in my choice in their part in today.  Cheers dudes! Also they deserve a lot of credit for my stag do in stony! It would've been a memorable night, if I could remember what happened! Cheers for that assault on my liver and kidneys! Rock and roll! All in all, it's been a brilliant year, so here's to many more!!

Also, one last note, I guess I wouldn't be me if I didn't tell a stupid joke so for those of you eagerly anticipating this moment, here it is, I didn't let you down!  It's a joke about marriage, oddly enough,  and it was told by Brendan many many years ago…it goes…

Me and my friend the barn owl were chatting the other day and I said to him, ‘Oi barn Owl, guess what, I'm getting married!’ He said ‘You're getting married??’ I said ‘Yeah I'm getting married’.  He said, ‘You Twit-Twoo??!’

Oh and just in case you feel short changed by me stealing someone else's joke I did bring one of my own so here you are, one more for the road!  Did you hear…they are making a new Barbie doll called ‘Divorced Barbie’….  It comes with all Ken's stuff!!  Cheers everyone enjoy the rest of the day!  Phew!