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Speech by Rob Cargill

I hope you find this of use. For any grooms that are a bit nervous about making the speech, let me tell you that when the day comes the nerves just fall away. Everyone there is there for you, and once you've had a taste of the limelight at the ceremony, you'll feel totally cool about giving a speech. Believe me, I was very surprised (because I was really dreading the speech)! Start with a cheesy joke. Enjoy it, and good luck!

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Rob Cargill
Speech Date: sep 2002
Groom's Speech – Wedding of Robert Cargill and Lisa Dale 16th August 2002

Thank you Jill for those lovely words. The cheques in the post.

It's not the first time I've risen from a warm seat with a piece of paper in my hand. Let's hope the end product is quite different today. Is everyone enjoying themselves so far? I feel like the warm-up man.

Whilst preparing this speech I thought it would be interesting to see if any celebrity couples had been married on the same day as us. Paul Simon and Carrie Fisher wed in 1983…and split up after 9 months. Oh dear.

Also, Madonna married Sean Penn on this day in 1985; and we all now the outcome of that.
Unlike the latter, whilst Lisa is "Like A Virgin", I plan to "Cherish" her forever, and I am not afraid to "Justify My Love". There's always the "Hanky Panky" to look forward to. There are children present , so the less said about "Get Into The Groove" the better.

Lisa and I have been together for nearly 10 years, and it's been the happiest decade of my life. We first got together at a Halloween party, where she was dressed up as a witches cat and I was dressed as a crazy axe murderer. I was instantly smitten with that kitten I can tell you.

She stuck with me through my scabby student days, and she's even managed to suffer living with me for 5 years. At home, we're the perfect team – I mess up the house and she tidies. I affectionately call her my Mrs Mop.

In 1998 I popped the question, so like Elvis's toilet door 25 years ago, we've been engaged for a long time. Today she's made me the happiest man on earth, she's my bride and joy. And I think you'll all agree she's done a superb job organising today almost single handedly.


Please join me and raise a glass to my beautiful bride, To the bride

We'd like to thank the Bridesmaids Sue and Kathy for all their help in the preparation for today, and thanks to Isobel for behaving. I think you'll agree they look fantastic.
We have some gifts for you. To the bridesmaids

We'd like to say a big thank you to our Mums, Jill and Doris for all their love and support over the years. You've both been really good to us. So please join us in a toast – to the mums.

Big thanks to the best man, my dear brother Dave. I'm not sure I should give you the gift now with your speech pending… Thanks for all your help over the years bro. To the best man

This man had the easiest job on the day, or perhaps he just made it look easy? For someone who's not too steady on his legs (you should have seen him in Amsterdam), he made walking up the aisle an artform today. To Stuart

For being there when we needed him, my Dad has always helped us out. Boney M had him in mind when they wrote Daddycool. Please raise your glasses and drink a toast, to Clem.

And last but not least, we come to the ushers, Nilesh and Ian. I've known these chaps for years and they have certainly done the business today. Let's raise our glasses one more time please, To the ushers.

And now for the bit you've all been waiting for, the best man's speech. Dave, I don't mind admitting I'm scared, please be kind. Over to you Bruv.