Speech by Rob Jolly
I found your website really useful, and I think its great that its free to view the speeches, unlike most other sites. This was my wedding speech as a groom, I hope it will prove useful to someone else.
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Rob Jolly
Speech Date: May2007
Thank for that introduction Dave The Toastmaster , it makes me sound really important.
I can assure you, I spent literally minutes preparing what I'm about to say, and I'm confident it'll be the best grooms speech you've heard all day.
I did say I wasn't going to drink anything before the speeches and I nearly kept to it hold up three empty pint glasses
Thank you Robert for those ah hem kind words. I might as well start by thanking you and Ellen for your help and support with this wedding, and in general.
I'd also like to thank my mum and dad for their support and contributions to this wedding we couldn't have done it without you.
The next thank you on the list goes to the bridesmaids, Susan and Joy. They did a really good job supporting Christine, and don't they look lovely. Present gifts
Thank you also to my best man, Ginge. Can anyone guess why he`s called that? he`s done a very good job but I am a bit annoyed that he`s copied my outfit. Present Gift
I`d like to tell you the story of how I proposed to Christine. It was last summer, the day of her university graduation ceremony. Afterwards, we went into Norwich for a meal at Old Orleans. For those of you who`ve never been, they lay your table with a white paper table cloth and give you crayons to doodle with. My plan was to wait till she went left the table and write “will you marry me?” on the table, then cover it up with a plate and wait till she noticed it. I`m sure plenty of you will know Christine usually has to leave the table at least once per meal, but on this day……….she didn`t. So I just got said to her, I`ve got something for you. She said, “oh”. I got the box out and showed her the ring and said “If you want it, that is.” She said Yeah-Yeah-Yeah, so i`m not sure if it was me she wanted, or the diamond ring in front of her. She has now, however, gone through with it. Of all the thank yous i`m supposed to say today the biggest must go to Christine for marrying me. give single red rose and a kiss
Have I said thank you enough times yet? Just two more.
Special thanks to uncle Ian for doing the reading at the ceremony and uncle Clifford for letting us use his jag for the wedding car.
I`d like to finish by thanking you all for making it here I know most of you in this room have traveled a long way to be here today. Thanks as well for all the presents and cards we've received, we're extremely grateful.
Now if you`ll all stand, I`d like to raise a toast to the Bridesmaids.