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Speech by Russell

HI, this speech is very specific. It is aimed towards a bride that is a ballet dancer and teacher by profession.  I hope this helps someone.


Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Russell
Speech Date: 04/02/2017 17:20:36

Ladies and Gents, friends and family.

We're married!

Isn't Noleen absolutely stunning? You look like a million bucks, my love.

It gives me great pleasure to say, on behalf of my beautiful new wife and I, that we are over-the-moon to have so many of you here today to share this special moment with us.

As you can imagine we have been planning this wedding for quite some time…well, I say “we”. Noleen has organised almost this whole wedding, I offered to help. Since the wedding has gone OK so far, we can all be glad that I didn't.

Noleen, you are a superstar.

Before I start; a word of thanks.

To my Mom and Dad: Dad, for all you've done over the years. The guidance and support. You know what you have done.  It is appreciated.

Mom; The Scottish side of the family, it is in your honour, and by your request, that the 4 of us are proud to be wearing kilts today.  It couldn't have been easy, putting up with us 4, but think of it this way, I am the last one to get married. Job done!

Love to you both.

To Jenny (you look stunning Jenny); thank you for raising Noleen the way you have, a beautiful, intelligent, angel from heaven. Thank you also for making me feel like the son you never had, you have made it very easy to fit in. And thank you for welcoming me into the family. I promise to take special care of her.  

There are people here today that have come from far, a few mentions.

My mom who flew out from England-thanks Ma!

My brother Graham, Tarryn and little Christopher, who flew out from Kenya.

Anna, who flew out from Scotland to be here with us today, I bet you never imagined you would leave Scotland, land in South Africa and see a bunch of guys in kilts!

Jo – who flew out from Italy to be here. We know it was touch and go at one point, thank you so much for being here.

To everyone else who came down from Jo'burg and elsewhere – there are many of you and I can't mention you all, but it's not lost on us that this is a tricky time of year, Noleen and I wish to extend our heartfelt thanks. We are truly blessed.

I'm sure you would all agree that our wedding planner,Celeste, has done an amazing job today, thank you Celeste, Ronaldo from After-Effects photography, Duncan from Enjoy Productions. This day wouldn't have come together without the help of so many.

We are honoured to have you all here, unfortunately, it's not been possible to have everyone we love here with us today. Again, to mention just a few: Uncle Shawn, on the ships, Noleen's cousin, Veronique, Billy and Leah.

Andre, Percy and Alet.

Lize's sister and brother-in-law, Adele and Danie, their kids, Anay and Nina.

Our friends over in the UK. Chesley, Luke and Oliver. I know they are sorely missed.

And Errol Hall, who sadly passed away earlier this year. Old Uncle Errol, a work colleague and friend. I recall a conversation we once had. I said to him, “You know Errol, these girls can be quite difficult can't they?” He replied, “I know, I have a daughter, and you don't understand the truthfulness of what you just said until you have one of your own, my hope for you is that you have a daughter, NO!” he said, “TWO DAUGHTERS!”

 I know he is looking down on us, having a good laugh at my expense.

To the bridesmaids:

Carri, Jo and Lize.

You ladies look fantastic. To all of you, thank you for being by Noleen's side today. Without you there I don't think Noleen could have held it together. All four of you girls have run up quite the phone bill over the past months, thanks for organising and running around and helping us do this thing called wedding.

To our adorable flower girls Darcy, Chailey and Kayla (and very patient moms, Carmen and Nicola.)

You girls look stunning, thank you for doing so well today.

To my Groomsmen: Adrian, Cuan, Enran and our MC Derek.

What can I say; thank you for making sure things went smoothly today and for turning up shiny and spiffy and sober. Close enough I guess.

Thanks for helping out with the kilts, it was a close call boys. For those that don't know, we were all nearly naked here today!

And onto my gorgeous wife.

When I first met that beautiful girl over there. I was 16 and she was 15.

We were mutual friends of friends that happened to live a few blocks away. I originally dated one of her friends, but we'll skip over that.

I went travelling and for a few years after school and when I came back we met up in Pretoria where Noleen was studying dance.

We shan't go into details but suffice it to say, the first meal she ever cooked for me was…popcorn.

It must be a dancer thing, cooking was just never an issue, never a thing to be concerned with. Not to worry, she has got a lot better since then. In fact, just the other day she made me a lovely salad and it was only slightly burnt.  *laughs*

If someone were to ask me to describe Noleen; this would be my answer

Noleen IS a dancer, a ballet dancer, she loves what she does and she IS what she DOES. Her whole life revolves (excuse the pun) around it. Noleen has very many virtues, but the quality that continues to take my breath away is her ability to express herself fully, through movement. It is truly remarkable to see. I can't tell you how many times she has come home in the evening, runs up to me and gives me a big hug and whispers to me “I danced today”, “It makes me feel ALIVE”, she says. And she would have a bright smile and rosy cheeks.

If any of you here tonight seek inspiration, look no further. My Dad always says to me that everyone has a forte, well dance is hers, it surrounds her and envelops her, it is as much a part of her as she is of it. She is an enigma, she moves, seemingly effortless, almost as though gravity doesn't apply to her, it gives her an ethereal, angelic, almost otherworldly nature. She gets lost in the moment and she revels in it. It is difficult to describe and it is utterly breathtaking. I don't pretend to understand how she does it, I'm content just to know that the world is a better place because of it.

I believe Noleen and Carri's ballet teacher Dawn is here with us today. Dawn, you should see your work in action. She eats breathes and sleeps ballet. I've heard it through the grapevine that Noleen is quite a strict teacher. Strict but fair. I've also heard it said that she gets that from you!

There are many people here today who have had an impact on us and helped us in some way. If I had to mention them all, I would be here for hours! Please know that your words and love and support are appreciated and noted.

                                                                *****turn to Noleen*****

My love, we've done it. Look at all these people here today, here for us. Happy for us. We are blessed. I've made so many mistakes (and will probably make many more), but getting married to you is definitely not one of them.  Thank you for your support over the years, I don't know where I would be without you. I love you admire you. You are my best friend.

So Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you all enjoy yourselves tonight.

Now onto the most important toast I am ever going to make…please stand and raise a glass to my beautiful wife… TO NOLEEN!