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Speech by Sarah Mulford

Groom Speech 22nd June 2002! I hope you like it, it went down well for me!

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Sarah Mulford
Speech Date: Jun2002
Thanks to Richard and Gill:

I would like to start my speech today by thanking Richard for his kind words. I am really proud to have become Sarah's husband; ever since the day we met I have been treated as one of the family and this has made our Journey to this day that much smoother! Thank you both for your blessing I promise that I will make you proud and live up to the high expectations I am sure you have! Thank you for everything you have both done in making this day so special if it wasn't for you I am sure I would still be saving. So far the day has been an amazing experience and I am sure it can only get better.

I would also like to thank you on behalf of Sarah for all the love and help you have given her over the years. I thank you for making Sarah the most loving, caring, sweet and kind person I have ever met. I really am the luckiest man alive.

Thanks to Mum and Dad:

I would now like to thank my own mum and dad for all the love and support they have given me over the years. I am sure you are looking at me now and thinking what a brave boy? I am not really one for speeches especially in front of 80+ people.

You have always been there for me and helped me though good times and bad especially in my younger days.
If I have ever had a problem where did I go mum and dad of course. I couldn't ask for two more loving people. I am very proud to have you here with Sarah and I on our special day. I know that your love and support will continue for many years to come.

Thanks to Sarah:

I now come to the most important person in my life, and that's Sarah my beautiful bride. I am so proud to say that you are my wife you really do look amazing. I am sure that you will all agree that she has done me proud. I wrote this before today so I never knew until now just how amazing you would look. Knowing you like I do I am sure you will now be getting rather embarrassed and possibly a little pink. But I am sorry I must go on.

We first met at a new years eve party in 1999 we said hello and that was it. I never thought that one day that pretty lady would become my wife. The love story didn't begin until later that year when Sarah decided she would stalk me. She seemed to be everywhere I went and text me constantly although it still hadn't clicked in my tiny brain just how much she wanted me. Well I am a bloke and we are a bit slow sometimes. I am glad to say she didn't give up on me and we got together in June of that same year. The months went by and the love got stronger.

We have been though allot in our short time together but have always come out on top no matter what.

As you may know the year 2000 was a leap year so at the end of February I decided it was time for action, I hinted on a number of occasions that our relationship should go that little bit further. For some reason Sarah didn't realise what I was saying until a quick chat with her mum led to a text message at 3 minutes past 5 on 29th of February. With the words “Will you marry me?” of course I said yes and I soon purchased the ring and did the right thing by proposing on one knee. The only problem was it was in my mum and dads bedroom and all I was wearing was a Blur t-shirt and jeans.

Anyway I did have lots of embarrassing stories to tell about our time together but I think I will save Sarah any more embarrassment and continue to praise her instead.

Seriously though I thank you Sarah for everything you have done for me and all the love you have given me. I cannot begin to show just how much you mean to me. I love you with all my heart and promise that I will be there for you until the day we part. You are everything I have ever dreamed of its hard to believe you are real.

Missing People:

Myself and Sarah would like to send our love and best wishes to my Uncle Derek and Auntie Doreen who are unable to make it today due to Derek being unwell. I am sure you will all join us in wishing him a speedy recovery.

Thanks to others:

There have been so many people involved in the planning and preparation of our big day, and this is now the time to give thanks to them.

Thank you to Sharon and her staff for allowing us to hold our reception here and for helping us with the planning along the way. I am sure you will all agree it is a beautiful setting.

We would like to give a big thank you to Ros sharp and her mum Carol for the beautiful wedding cake. I am glad to see its still standing.

Thank you to everyone who has given us presents we can't wait to open them all. They are very much appreciated and will be used everyday by Sarah while she slaves away in the kitchen. Well she has duties now doesn't she? We will be holding a car boot sale soon so if you are after a toaster I am sure we have a nice one going cheap?

Thanks to Gary and Andrew:

I would like to thank my brother Gary and nephew Andrew for agreeing to be our ushers today. You have both done a great Job and managed to keep the rabble in order without the need for violence.

Thanks to Dave:

I would now like to say thank you to Dave for being my best man. We have been mates for many years and you truly are the best man for the Job. You have helped me in many ways and given me good advise on how to treat Sarah. I thank you for all the help and support you have given me especially over the last few weeks, and for putting up with my moaning. My stag night was great fun and I am sure all those who attended will agree. I hope you are about to prove you're the best man by given me lots of praise in your speech. If not you better leave now.

But seriously I mean it when I say how pleased I am that you have done me the honour of being my best man and best mate. Cheers Dave.

Thanks to Claire, Charlotte, and Eleanor:

Our next and final big thank you goes out to three beautiful young ladies Claire, Charlotte, and Eleanor. We would also like to wish Eleanor a Happy Birthday for tomorrow. Sarah and I would like to say how lovely you all look and thank you for doing such a wonderful Job.

Gift Presenting:

Before I pass you over to Dave for the speech of the day, I would like to present a few gifts to various members of our wedding party to say thank you for the help you have all given on this special day.
I will start by given a bouquet of flowers to our mum's who have been an invaluable part of our lives. We would also like to give one more bouquet to another special lady and that's Sarah's Nan.

We also have gifts for our two ushers Gary and Andrew, and my best man Dave.

Finally I would once gain like to thank our bridesmaids and present them each with a gift.

Ladies and gentleman will you please raise your glasses in a toast to our three bridesmaids.

Hand over:

Now here is the part of the afternoon you have all been waiting for my best man Dave.

Thank you!