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Speech by Sean OC

Our wedding was in Nelson, New Zealand and we had a wonderful day. My brother Luke (the best man) made a couple of gentle jokes about what a nerd I was - this speech really confirmed it! But it also went down really well. MS Excel calculates numbers of days just by subtracting one cell from another so I was able to produce accurate numbers with very little work.

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Sean OC
Speech Date: 11/03/2012 04:41:50

When I was growing up in New Plymouth, I didn't have a very good way with people. A large part of it was that I wasn't very good with words whereas I was with numbers and computers and the like, so I included them in conversation a lot. This made it hard to make friends and you can only imagine how it went down with the Taranaki girls. Well, I grew up, left home and figured out what I was doing wrong, and met a beautiful girl who you will hear more about later. But first, (PAUSE) it's too late for that beautiful girl to back out now, so I'm going to take the opportunity to revert to numbers for a bit and hope people enjoy them more than they used to. 

I am 27 years or 9,891 days old and Cheryl is 26 years or 9,813 days. We started dating on July 21 2007, so we have dated for 1659 days, which is 16.77% of my life and 16.91% of Cheryl's. We got engaged on Christmas Eve 2010 so we have been engaged for 407 days, or 4.11% of my life and 4.15% of hers. During this time we have done lots of road trips and have put 80,000km on our car, with our record being about 1200km in one day. We've watched countless movies including at least 22 Clint Eastwoods together and have accumulated 3 billion Diablo 2 E.X.P. Our sports activities statistics are much smaller but we have quite a few 90+ target shooting scores. 

There are 72 of you here today who have collectively travelled around 34,000 kilometres to be here, so some thank-yous are in order. I would like to thank the following:

Bridal Party: Girls, for looking after Cheryl. You all look magnificent. Thank you.

Groomsmen: for helping me with a bad case of nerves. Luke Starrenburg you are always calm under fire which has been immensely helpful. I wish you all the best for your wedding next month. Robert, you've been my friend for a long time and we've been through a lot together. It has been a privilege, Sir.

Special thanks to Luke O'Connor, my Best Man and MC. You already have an enormous workload from your job and you have really gone above and beyond the call of duty, especially with the stag party.

Ken for playing the organ and on-going thanks for the training that is already helping to put Cheryl and me on a solid financial footing. 

Angela, the kitchen and bar staff for a terrific meal and being so friendly and helpful while organising the reception. 

Ben and Nathan for the sundry tasks that we heaped on you and for ushering in what will be the best years of mine and Cheryl's lives. 

Jaime for baking the cake. You have warned us it will be dry and flavourless. The Mackies all know Jamie well and what this really portends; we are in for a treat.

Our families starting with the O'Connor and Hudson cousins, uncles and aunts. It is uncommon these days to be part of a real family of 40 or 50 people. All of you have looked out for me over the years. Thank you and we should see about reviving the family tramp.

The Mackies: You are all extraordinarily pleasant, upright, hospitable and welcoming. It is no wonder Cheryl has the same qualities. You welcomed me as a friend from the outset and an honorary family member since we moved here.

Heather: Thank you for your hard work towards our wedding and for imparting your sweet and gentle nature to your daughter.

Ray: For your blessing to marry your daughter, for help with 101 practical jobs and good advice. It must be a bit worrying when your daughter starts dating someone. In spite of this you've really helped me, along with your family and including Cheryl, so special thanks. 

My own dad: Dad, you imparted to me a lot of the things that I believe in. Also you've been 100% behind me marrying Cheryl from the outset. Thanks.

Mum: You've been my constant listener and have always encouraged me to put what I believe into practice. Thanks both of you for holding back the questions about grandchildren. Man, I suppose such questions are now fair game although I shall remain noncommittal. 

A big thank you to all the others who have helped out with the wedding and to all of you for coming and celebrating with us. It's a real treat to see you all; some of you after considerable lengths of time. 

The final and most important thank you, to my new wife Cheryl:

Firstly, you look stunning. It was well worth the wait to see the dress. Your hard work has paid off. Cheryl made her dress and hand beaded no less than 45,000 beads over several months.  

Cheryl, I love you for the little things that you do that brighten up my day:

    • at the video store  you walk past romantic comedies and get thrillers
    • you choose steak not salad
    • you wish we had the Second Amendment here
    • sew and clean

I love you for the big things you do:

    • you listen patiently
    • you work really hard at everything you do 
    • you turn the other cheek and forgive

I love you for who you are:

    • you have a genuine creative talent that surprises and captivates me
    • you have hopes and dreams that you share, and you share mine
    • you do what is right and stick up for it
    • you are calm, you are gentle, and you are loving

Thank you for marrying me.

You have made me truly happy.

Cheryl there are 194 countries out there for us to visit. We have a boutique to run and a lab to build, a pig to keep, miniature animals to breed, a house to buy, and hopefully children to raise. I couldn't ask for better company.

Thank you everyone. Would you please raise your glasses and toast Cheryl.