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Speech by Stefano Marazzi

I used your website when I made my Groom speech – so heres mine to upload for others to see!

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Stefano Marazzi
Speech Date: Sep2006
Thank you so much Dick for your kind words- I hope I can live up to your expectations. Now everyone, before I start I have to ask… Do you like my outfit?… I actually asked the man in the suit shop for something like Versace… but he thought I said &quotI want to look like Liberace&quot!

So…Ladies and Gentlemen, mesdames et monsieurs , signore et signori, Damen und Herren, No this isn't regional heat for the Eurovision song contest – this is actually my speech!

My wife and I…wow that's a new one! My wife and I would like to start by
Thanking everyone for sharing our very special day with us. It's really touching that you could all be here. We have people here today who have come from places as far away and diverse as Swindon, Bracknell, Coventry and deepest, darkest Midsomer Norton

Excuse me while I say thanks to the French, the Germans and the Italians, and for popping in.

Merci &#224 toute la famille fran&#231aise d”&#234tre venus.
Vous avez fait de ce jour un jour sp&#233cial … merci pour tous vos cadeaux formidables et vos voeux. Je suis heureux que vous m'ayez accept&#233 dans votre famille.

Je promets que je ferai tout ce qui est possible pour prot&#233ger Julie et la garder heureuse.

Je m'excuse que je parle le fran&#231ais comme une vache folle espagnole d'italie alors merci pour votre attention!!!

Wir danken der Weiss Familie, dass sie von Deutschland hingefahren sind.

Wir sind geehrt dass Sie kommen koennten und frohen uns darauf.&quot


Finalmenti sono arrivato a quelli che li conosco da pero, Grazie a l'italiani per li regali e per li auguri chi avete fatto. Sono molto fiero che hai fatto un viaggo lungo per veneri in ingliterra a nostro matrimonio e spero che non ha piovuto troppo.

Con Julie la famiglia Marazzi diventa pui numerosa- fra poco conquistiamo mondo! Spero che la festa prosegua joyosamenti e felicemente!!!

Thanks everyone for all your support, words of advice and congratulations and all of the brilliant cards and presents!

In particular, I'd like to thank the people that bought us the 2 week cruise to the Caribbean, I say “like to thank” but as no-one bought us one, I can't.

My first thank you from me is to my new wife Julie- I am sure you will all agree she looks amazing today. I am the luckiest bloke I know.

Julie – I was so happy when you agreed to marry me. I always knew we would get married, and from the moment we first started going out I knew you were the one for me.
I am so privileged you accepted to be my wife and I will love you always.

I promise I will do everything humanly possible to keep you safe and happy

Now, when thinking about what to put in my speech I looked around at variety of
sources. But I always ended up back at the big man. LOOK TO ADAM,

The true light. LOOK TO DICK

My guiding spirit. LOOK TO ALDO

The one who has a following of millions. LOOK TO CEILING


When asked being married is like Homer responded:

“Marriage is like being married to your best friend.”

“And he lets you play with his boobs.”

Wise words indeed.

Julie and I first met in Bristol. I'm sure she must have thought my fashion sense quite strange, especially as at the time I was wearing a bright orange hammock. Yes a hammock. The thing you hang between two trees to sleep on.

I soon realised she was a strong woman- especially with her kickboxing and taekwondo skills. In fact the neighbours must have thought us quite strange with our full on martial arts tournaments in the back garden, which often resembled an episode of ITVs gladiators. Thankfully Julie is much better looking than the Wolfman. DO WOLF MAN POSE

Julie truly is one of a kind, I felt I found my soul mate as we shared and discovered lot of interests – camping, mountain biking, extra-ordinarily spicy food, and playing guitar together. Julie taught me about how much fun cute furry animals could be, and in return I taught her all about the heavy metal band AC/DC!

Thank you Julie for making this the best day of my life and I know that every day will be as happy as today, you just get better and better and when I wake up everyday I'm always chuffed to bits that I'm spending it with you.

See Julie- there was nothing to worry about- I never mentioned snogging the blind man once..… or his dog cue laughter from the university mates you will have to ask her about that.

Thanks to Anne and Dick for all your support, and generosity for the wedding preparations. I hope I can live up to your expectations as son-in law, thank you for welcoming me into your family,. its regularly a multicultural, multi lingual experience and I have experienced cuisines from all over the world in both Anne and Dicks company- Thanks to Anne I also discovered I was extremely allergic to mussels! Thanks to Dick for making the epic journey from Thailand. CUE PRESENT FOR ANNE

Thanks to my Mum and Dad for bringing me into the world and everything you have done for me- I can't thank you enough for all you've done for us. You have made me what I am today and Julie has often said to me how brilliant you both are because you made me turn out like I am.

Thank so much for everything – I hope I have made you proud. Our rabbits would also like to say thanks to dad as they are helping us eat all the vegetables- no wonder they are so fat! I DO LIKE! PRESENT FOR MUM AND DAD

Lisa and Ryan for all their help and everything they've done for us- including the reading that Lisa did – the wedding Bombs you see in front of you I want to see those USED everyone!, for filming, and giving us loads of advice on the wedding preparation as they became experts being married only 5 weeks ago – Julie would especially like to say thank you for the trip to Gnomeworld in Devon and for all the Gnomes that keep turning up on the doorstep. There is no place like Gnome. PASS AROUND GNOME PHOTO! CUE PRESENT FOR LISA AND RYAN

Thanks to Dave and Kris for everything they've done- Dave with Usher duties and his lovely reading – and to Kris for the hand made wedding invites – Thanks for all their advice regarding the wedding. Although Kris I'm afraid that we didn't go with your suggestion to have a STAR TREK themed wedding. DO SPOCK HAND THING PRESENT FOR KRIS AND DAVE

Thanks to Gaina and her apprentice Lisa for doing the flowers – I am sure you agree they look absolutely brilliant. Thanks to our Austin for doing the music- I must admit I was a bit worried about Austin's skills with the controls. I case you didn't recognise he, is actually a Hollywood superstar – he was an extra in the film Pearl Harbour – but when we asked him to show us the 5 seconds of film with him in it he took 30 minutes to fast forwarding and rewinding to find it- it turned out he had the wrong disk in the DVD player! CUE PRESENT FOR GAINA AND LISA

A special mention to Claire and everything she did for organising Julie's hen do – you really did give her a special day and she was really chuffed with the photo album you organised and put together for her. She also liked the gallons of scrumpy you were drinking. In fact she loved it so much she had TWO hen dos! CUE PRESENT FOR CLAIRE

Adam – so far… I havn't heard what you have to say yet you have been a brilliant best man- the stag do was legendary and will keep me full of pub anecdotes for years to come- I hope I can return the favour when I'm your best man next year at your wedding– CUE WINE FOR ADAM.

Emily – Thanks so much for being Julies bridesmaid you look lovely today. Thanks for all the seemingly endless trips down from Swindon, you were able to make us laugh at each other and made us realise we were silly when we got stressed out with the wedding preparations! PRESENT FOR EMILY

OK well I could go on all night, trotting out the usual tired old jokes, my exaggerated stories and fictitious anecdotes, but instead I'm going to leave that to my best man Adam.

I've heard he's got some interesting material- beginning with his suit.

Now, ladies and gentlemen please be upstanding and raise
a toast to Emily the Bridesmaid- CAMPAGNE POUR LE MONDE!