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Speech by Steven Daly

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Steven Daly
Speech Date: May 2009
Thank you Dave for that great opening speech. Well written and expertly delivered – and now for something completely different!
Most people would class standing up in front of a large audience and making a speech as one of the most embarrassing and nerve-wracking things they ever have to do. However, if you think I'm making a fool of myself now, just wait ”til a little bit later when I have to get up and dance in front of you all!
When I first sat down to write this speech I realised that I didn't really know what was meant to go in it. After doing a bit of research on the internet I discovered amongst other things! that the Groom's speech should be made up of 2 main parts. The first of those is to do all the relevant ”thank you's”, so that's exactly where I'd like to start.
Firstly, on behalf of Kate and myself, I'd like to thank everyone here for coming. As you know, we actually got married a few weeks ago in Malta – but today is an equally special day for us both as this is where we get the chance to celebrate our wedding. It's fantastic for Kate and I to be able to look out and see so many of our family and friends here today, and I can honestly say that it wouldn't be as special without you all.
I'd like to say a special thank you to Kate's parents, David and Denise, who have both made me feel extremely welcome right from day one. David had the pleasure of giving Kate away in Malta – and did so with a broad smile on his face, which was slightly unnerving! Denise has also helped out enormously, most notably with the wedding cake – fruity, nutty and pleasing on the eye, although I'm not sure yet how the cake's turned out! Seriously though, we're extremely grateful for all the practical and financial help you have given us and we have a small token of our appreciation for you.
Next I'd like to thank my parents, Yvonne and Dennis, who again have helped out enormously behind the scenes with practical and financial help. I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank you for bringing me up so well, giving me the best possible start in life and helping to shape me into the person I am today. So, if this speech is offending anyone – blame them! Again, we have a small token of appreciation for you.
The next set of people I'd like to thank is the bridesmaids, Helen, Elisabeth, Jessica and Nikki. I'm sure you'll agree they all look amazing tonight. What's even more amazing is that they've all managed to turn up on time – although I'm reliably informed that Liz started getting ready at about 10am! On Tuesday! We also have a small gift for you.
Unfortunately, I can't mention the bridesmaids without saying a few words about the best man and ushers! Here is my best man, Paul, who will be telling lies about me in a few minutes! The ushers, John and Bob who typically are at the back near the bar. It's a bit of an unwritten rule at a wedding that under no circumstances must any of the best man or ushers look more handsome than the Groom – so cheers lads for making sure that that was never in danger! I think we have a gift for you too.
I'd just like to give a quick mention to Kate's brothers, Joseph and Ben, who you will have seen giving the presents out. Both look very smart and have been extremely well behaved – unlike my 2 brothers who have been quite the opposite!
A quick thank you also to Gareth for taking some wonderful photos in Malta.
The last person I want to thank is Kate for agreeing to lower her standards enough to become my wife! Kate looks absolutely stunning today, as she did in Malta and when I saw her walking down the aisle towards me I was genuinely speechless. Kate is the love of my life, she is kind, caring, funny, smart, beautiful and loving and I am incredibly proud to be able to call her my wife. Ladies and Gentleman, will you please join me in raising your glasses – to Kate!
If there's anyone who I've left out I'm genuinely sorry, it isn't because Kate and I don't appreciate you, it's because I'm old and useless!
Ok, so I said the Grooms speech should be in 2 parts – the second part is where I say a few words about how Kate and I met.
For those of you who don't already know, I met Kate about 4.5 years ago when she was performing in a pantomime in Darlo. Now, ordinarily I wouldn't have been in the audience but as it happened one of my mates, Bob – where are you Bob, say hello – was also making a bit of a cameo appearance in the panto. As this was so unusual for Bob, me and a few of my mates decided to go along and take the pi…….sorry, lend our support!
The pantomime in question was Sinbad and Kate was playing the part of an innkeeper, which required her to wear a beard and big bushy eyebrows. feign kick from Kate under table Oh sorry, just to be clear, it was a fake beard and eyebrows! Anyway, as it happened, this was exactly the look I go for in a woman so I was instantly attracted to her!
I was introduced to Kate after the show and a few of us decided to go for a few drinks. Kate and I got chatting and amazingly at the end of the night she gave me her number. Mind you, to be fair it was noisy and dark in the club and she had been drinking!
After a few dates and a bit of gentle persuasion on my part we became an item and on our second anniversary I proposed to Kate in Edinburgh. Luckily she accepted and that's the reason we're here today.
That's pretty much it from me so I'll now hand you over to my best man Paul, for a speech that may not be entirely true!