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Speech by Steven Mac

enjoyed your website - found it very helpful over the last few months especially around my speech. Please find my speech attched for submission

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Steven Mac
Speech Date: oct 2003

Both Jacqueline and myself believe it is important that everyone here tonight relaxes and has an enjoyable evening, ourselves included! Hence tonight we will be breaking with tradition and providing the "Grooms speech" in a printed format!

Olga once said to me that she believed that her late husband Rob had a hand in Jacq and myself getting together. If this were so, I would assume that Rob has been watching the proceedings today with a smile on his face! So Mark, for escorting Jacq down the aisle of the Cathedral earlier today and speaking on behalf of your father tonight, I thank you.

For the very first time "On behalf of my wife and myself", I would like to thank everyone for being here to celebrate in our special day, for it is you that has made this day special for us! Today has been a joint collaboration of many and would not have been as memorable for us without our family & friends contributing. Mikyla – our Flower Girl; Thomas – our Page Boy; Armano & Mark – our Ushers; Darryn & Shaun – my Groomsmen; Sara & Carey – our readers; and finally Peter – our MC, although I will reserve my right to thank Peter until he has completed his duties this evening!

We are grateful for all your kind words & wishes and for those who have traveled to be here, we especially thank you. We trust that everyone here tonight will have an enjoyable and memorable evening. We do feel we need to make special note to Jeff & Margaret and Ron & Lorraine, who very kindly provided the bridal cars today. If you liked the look of them, Ron works for Christchurch BMW and I am sure that he will be more than happy to assist with any enquiries. A big thank you also goes out to my work colleagues for agreeing to count the cutlery at the completion of this meal. Only kidding!

As Jacq and Olga are very close, I was fortunate enough to be re-introduced to Olga at a very early stage in our dating, months before my parents even knew that Jacq existed! From the outset, Olga was warm, generous & kind. Olga made me feel welcome and at ease and with such, It often made me wonder if this generosity was motivated by the fear that she may well end up being stuck with Jacq! I now know this is not the case. Just think Olga, 35 years ago Rob and yourself were putting Jacq to bed with a dummy; isn't it funny how history will be repeating itself tonight!

Not only has Olga made me feel very welcome, but so have her whole family. I am honoured to now become part of that family; which makes me wonder if I will now be entitled to discount at "The Suit Doctor"?

I don't believe any one was more surprised to hear that I was getting married than my parents Donald & Shirley. I am pleased that you are both here tonight, not because I am incredibly proud of you both, which I am, but as my father believes that anything after 8.00pm is considered to be a late night!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you both for so readily welcoming Jacq into your lives with such warmth and openness; for the sacrifices you made to give me a head start in life and the wisdom you have imparted to me over the last 35 years and yes, I did listen sometimes! Above all things, I thank you most for instilling in me whatever it was that convinced Jacq that she wanted to marry me!

Both Jacq and myself had very similar childhoods, which in turn we are very grateful for – we were loved, cared for and nurtured. As parents, we can only aspire to achieve what you have accomplished. If we are half as successful as you have been, we will be doing twice as well as most! However, the only thing that we would do differently as parents would be to wear a hat to our children's weddings! We love you all very much!

I can assume with a high degree of certainty that Jacq looks absolutely spectacular this evening – even when Jacq lounges at home in her dressing gown with her hot water bottle and fluffy slippers, she is a sight to behold! You see, Jacq always dresses to kill; it's just a pity she sometimes cooks the same way!

Many of you sitting here tonight may be unaware that when I was younger I had a small crush on Jacq. As teenagers we knew each other through mutual friends and we regularly saw one another when catching the bus home from the Square on Friday nights. To the untrained eye it would seem that I waited a while to pluck up the courage to ask Jacq out, but for those who know me, they will understand the delay; I like the best and if I want something I will wait that little bit longer and work that little bit harder rather than having to settle or compromise. I have always lived by the saying that "Good things take time", Jacq was definitely worth the wait, but 20 years? !

So Jacq, thank you for saying yes and becoming my bride. You know everything about me, and you love me just the same; I have my faults, but you still agreed to spend your life with me; You have helped make this the best day of my life and I sincerely hope that every day I will be as happy as I am today, I just hope that every day will not be as expensive!

I find it to be quite ironic how I am supposed to speak highly of my Best Man and our friendship, knowing that just minutes from now he will be doing his upmost to embarrass me!

For those of you who do not know Tony, I do hope you have the opportunity to meet him this evening, as this will only reinforce how much of a saint I am! I had the misfortune of meeting Tony when I started work at the Alcohol & Drug service a few years ago and have been putting up with him ever since. A small feat considering Warren, Tony's partner, has been putting up with him for almost 20 years!

In all sincerity, you rarely find people of Tony's character these days. Tony has been a true friend and he has always been there for me no matter how inappropriate my timing! Tony is also extremely trustworthy and can most importantly be confided in, two qualities that I aspire to have one day! When I was about to propose to Jacq, Tony was the only one who knew exactly when it was to happen – this probably had something to do with him not being at work when he should've been; which for some reason or another seems to happen more often than not these days!

Tony, It is an honour to have you seated next to me this evening and I thank you in advance for embarrassing me, as there is no one I would rather be embarrassed by than you! For the record, I should mention that Tony suffers from a rare medical condition that makes him prone to exaggeration. He often invents the most unbelievable stories, which he sincerely believes to be true.

Finally, where would a bride be without her bridesmaids? Susan, Dominique and Angelina – you all look wonderful from head to toe! And while we are on the subject, Angelina, a tiara was not necessary; Dominique, you were right about the A-line and Susan, the shoes look divine!

For those of you who do not know Susan, Jacq's chief bridesmaid, they have been friends since they were 7 years of age, 20 years as per Jacq's calculations! Susan, I know how much Jacq has appreciated your friendship, candour and support over the last 20 years and we feel very privileged to have you here today.

I am sure it was a combined bridesmaids effort in calming Jacq's nerves last night, this morning and this early afternoon and assisting Jacq in her preparation today. I wish to thank you for getting her to the cathedral in one piece and on time (As this speech was prewritten – I hope I didn't have to wait too long!) You all did a brilliant job in looking after Jacq today. So, as you read this in the tradition of toasting the bridesmaids, please feel free to raise your glass and drink a toast!