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Speech by Tom Roberts

Hope you find the attached useful for inclusion regards Tom Roberts

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Tom Roberts
Speech Date: Aug 2001
On behalf of myself and my wife I would like to thank you Rodney for your kind words.

Its at milestone events in one's life that one tends to take stock of events. In particular the contribution our own parents make to our upbringing and the sacrifices which are never fully appreciated at the time. With Archie and Ralph I can well appreciate this at first hand and I would like to acknowledge and thank my parents for the start they gave me in life and the love and care over the years.

I would like to thank Mavis and Rodney for welcoming me into their family and on so many occasions into their home. In particular to thank them for making our wedding and reception possible. Most of all I would like to thank them for raising such a gorgeous, educated, hard working (cant read writing) daughter, though Mavis the ability to iron shirts is one aspect of her education you missed.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the many cards and gifts received and I trust that many of you will have the opportunity to eat off tableware etc in the years ahead.

I would like to propose a toast to the bridesmaids & page boys for the wonderful job they have done today and would like them to come up for a small token of our appreciation.

Today has been a long time in coming as Julie have been going steady for some 10.5 years now and have acquired a mortgage and 2 children in that time. The subject of marriage did come up after Ralph was born and we felt it would be good to wait until the boys were a little older so they could be part of the day. However Julie had them in mind as page boys, I as best man.

Being a parent is hard going at times and there are time you want them to stay the age they are and other when they would grow up that bit quicker. For example Ive been waiting until Ralph was 2.5 and had started talking so I could ask him what he'd done with my watch.

Did you like the choice of hymns I hope the choice of Jerusalem and Bread of Heaven will satisfy the sports people amongst you. I was hoping to have Swing Low Sweet Chariot but Julie vetoed it on the grounds that you would all start doing the actions. Those of you who know the words will appreciate what I mean.

Many of you may not have realised that after today Julie will share her name with a famous Hollywood star (she had become Julie Roberts) yes you've guessed it she has changed her name by deed poll to Lassie!

I know Phil will wish to say a few words in a moment and I confess I am somewhat worried as to what dark secrets he may reveal so I have hear a present in recognition of his hard work in preparing the stag night and support today. However if what he says is ok I will give him gift A if if I end up severely embarrassed it will be gift B. I will ask you to judge shortly.

Finally what can I say about my beautiful young wife? Julie was keen that any pictures of her in her bikini are not revealed today .. so Ive got them here if anyone wants a look. They say each of us has a double and that certainly is true in Julie's case:

(Powerpoint presentation of embarrassing pictures from Julie's past)

Finally Id like to finish with a quote..

Marriage is based on the theory that when a man discovers a particular brand of beer exactly to his taste, he should at once throw in his job and go to work in the brewery – George Nathan
If You can indulge me for two more minutes Id like to share with you the reasons why I chose to go & work in the brewery

(Powerpoint presentation of pictures of Julie in areas where we had shared things – holidays, at Wembley, skiing, birth of son, with children set to music –Oh Julie by Shakin’ Stevens)