Speech by Vince Wearmouth
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Vince Wearmouth
Speech Date: Nov 2009
I would like to take this opportunity to propose a toast to the people, who for one reason or another… can't be with us today. Also I'm sure there are a few looking down on us today with big smiles on their faces.
Ladies and gentlemen… please raise your glasses
To my parents, thank you so much for your love, guidance, and support through every step of my life, thank you also for providing the transport, and in the 11th hour the shoes on my over-sized feet, and thank you for welcoming my wife into the family.
Oh, and thank you to my sister and brother-in-law for nigh dragging me to the suit store.
To Ann and David, thank you for providing pretty much everything else, that's made this wedding possible, and thank you for making me feel so welcome in your family.
I'd also like to thank you or having raised this amazing woman who I dearly love.
I'm sure you'll agree with me ladies and gentlemen, when I say that the bridesmaids, Vicki, Kathryn, and Katy, all look absolutely radiant – thank you for all of your help today. And also a big thank you to Paula, who has come all the way from Germany to be our flower girl.
And a huge thank you to Alison, who's come all the way from Essex, despite being eight months pregnant, thank you Ali.
Unsurprisingly perhaps to those who know me, but Helen and I first met over the internet. In addition to today's event, I'd like to share a few more key events in our relationship with you all
look to Helen and wink "don't look so worried Sweetheart"
26th February 2007 at 16:12
I'd received an e-mail from a young lady wanting to know more about me – now there's nothing strange in that, except that this one didn't require the submission of any credit card information.
28th February 2007 15:00
I eagerly await our first meet for those of you unaware, Helen founded a support group for those with neurological problems enabling them to meet socially, and in a relaxed atmosphere. Hence the e-mail I'd received.
Thirty minutes later, it gradually starts to dawn on me that I have been "stood up" by a support group.
10th April 2007 at 11:30 a.m
Under the clock, at Newcstle train station I first see, and civilly shake hands with an absolute vision of a woman.
23rd May 2007 at ooo "stupid o” clock" –
In a place where I'm confident my competition for this dazzling lady is at its weakest Switch gay bar, I pluck up the courage to ”make my move”.
Helen, that was two years ago to the day. Since that day we've been through a great deal together,
and you've never ceased to astound me with your beauty, your indomitable strength, your compassion, and your massive, massive heart.
Seeing you walk down that aisle, towards me took my breath away you look absolutely stunning and I just cannot believe how fortunate I am that you agreed to be my wife. I will cherish you for as long as I draw breath.
All that's left for me to do is speak on behalf of Helen and myself that we're grateful to all of you for sharing our wedding day with us – particularly those who had travelled a great distance to be here, and we're very touched, and very grateful for the generous gifts you've given us.
and lastly to pass you on to Kev, my rock-solid friend who has done me the great honour of agreeing to be, The Best Man!