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Speech by Wayne Brassington

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Wayne Brassington
Speech Date: Sep 2008
After Father of the Bride

Someone once said that a good speech has both a good beginning and a good ending, a great speech however is delivered by the best man, no pressure chaps.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, Family &amp Ex-cons, sorry Terry…..on behalf of my wife and I….… we would like to thank you all for coming and sharing this very special day with us, it means the world to us.

Now I've thought long and hard about what to put in my speech, well actually that's a lie, I thought long and hard about whether I should try to be funny, and believe you me I've had plenty of warnings from many of you asking me not to try to be funny, I'll do my best.

I recently read somewhere that a survey had been conducted of things that people fear most, and top of that list above things like spiders and heights, was the fear of standing up and making a speech in public, and as many of you will know, I am of the shy retiring type that likes to keep quiet and keep my opinions to myself………therefore you can understand my nervousness at standing up here in front of all of you making this speech, and as many of you will also know, I'm a compulsive liar, but I am still nervous, that bit is true. I have been fearful of this bit for months and as you can imagine, this isn't the first time today I have arisen from a warm seat with a piece of paper in my hand.

Now they say your wedding day is meant to the be one of the best days of your life, what with Utd doing the treble in 1999 and beating Chelsea in the European Cup Final this season, honestly Kate, it's a close 3rd.

Absent Family &amp Friends

Unfortunately, it's not been possible to have everyone we love here with us today, but we know they're here with us in spirit &amp they're not only in our thoughts today, but more importantly they're with us in our hearts.
So, with them in mind, would you please all stand, raise your glasses, &amp join me in a toast to absent family &amp friends.

John &amp Christine

I just want to especially thank my new in-laws John &amp Christine, who have done everything to make me feel part of the family since 1st “DATING” Kate 12 years ago. I feel honoured that you have welcomed me into the family, and without your generosity, today wouldn't have been possible, just would have been a lot less stressful………eh John!

When meeting John for the first time I was a little nervous to say the least, knowing that he has Military background gave me visions of ‘Meet The Parents’. I imagined the buzzing sound of surveillance cameras in the toilet when I'd go for a pee, or being electrocuted when trying to sneak into Kate's room……never happened by the way…..honest. I'm glad to say it has been nothing of the sort, he's been more than just Kate's Dad, he's been a mate, cheers John

I would also like to mention how generous John is, I won't go into detail but he did say gather at the bar after the speeches and the 1st round is on him.

Christine, thank you for showing Katie how to make gravy, it's the best, in fact thank you for showing Katie how to cook anything, without you I would have spent the rest of my life in the kitchen…….and probably still will after that comment.

Now we know you're not one for flowers so we hope you can nurture this plant as well as your garden.

John and Christine, thank you for everything.

My Mum &amp Dad

I would really like to thank my mum and dad, who should undoubtedly receive a medal for endurance. When living at home, they spent many a night listening to me banging in the attic, that was the music in case you were wondering? And let's face it without them I wouldn't be here today.

As a kid I never wanted for anything, every weekend my Dad and I went to the football, the home of the DOUBLE champions might I add, Man Utd to those of you not interested in football. 9 years old and 45,000 people singing something about burning scousers, at the time it didn't mean anything to me, however, it all makes sense now.

My Mum spent days, weeks and months teaching me how to drive, to and from Rhos-On-Sea in a little brown Vauxhall Nova, petrol wasn't cheap so you can imagine how pleased she was to hear when I passed my test, 1st time round as well. You can also imagine how pissed off she was 12 months later…….when I got banned for drink driving.

Mum and Dad, thank you for all your love and support over the years. You've always been there when I've needed you and you've got me through thick and thin. Granted, it was more thick than thin!

Mum, as a token of our appreciation please accept these flowers.

Thanks to the guests

Now I know quite a few of you have traveled great distances to be here today, there's Scott that's come all the way from Craig-y-Don, Jim made his way from the Bay and John from Nant-y-Gamar, so thank you to you all for making the effort to get out of Llandudno, only teasing, on a serious note though, thank you to those of you that have traveled hundreds and even thousands of miles to be here with us today, Elaine &amp Renauld have traveled from France, James from America &amp John &amp Jenny all the way from Swaziland in South Africa, we really appreciate it…and not just for the presents, we are glad to see you as well.

I'd like to thank the Vicar for such a lovely service today and also to Jeff our organist.
A special thank you to Elaine, not just for the lovely reading today, but mostly for being a great mate to Katie and looking after her whilst over in France, I know Kate loves you dearly and misses you like mad.


My equivalent to the bridesmaids, the ushers, my brother Dean, Kate's brother James and Elwyn and the local THUG! Although not as pleasing on the eye, you have all done a fantastic job today, thank you for all your efforts.

Elwyn, before I forget there's an extra large bottle of ketchup to go with your bacon butties later on.

Mark &amp Karl

My best men. It really is like having the older, shorter, less attractive big brother, but overall my 2 best mates.
Even before Kate and I had set a date for the wedding, I instantly knew who I wanted to be my best man, but unfortunately he couldn't make it so I settled for Mark &amp Karl.
Seriously, you have both been there for me whenever I've needed anything. I really appreciate everything you have done for me, not just in the build up to the stag do, which was amazing by the way, and for today, but for everything you have done for me in the past, cheers lads.
However, knowing that you are both yet to dish the dirt on me, I thought it best to get something in to soften the blow, Mark………

Do you remember a few years back when you were due to go back to Llandudno with Vicky, family do or something. You decided to tell Vicky you were sick and instead you returned home to Warrington. In short, back garden..30degrees…lager lager.. taxi….off to the World, nightclub, what a top night, needless to say Mark was ill the next day.
Karl, I struggled to get something on the same scale, but I would like to say thank you for being here the whole day, for remembering your suit, and of course for wearing the same suit as the rest of us………..isn't that right Mike.

And finally…..The Bridesmaids

Thank you Rhi, Kirstie &amp Kerys, you have almost fulfilled your roles to perfection, all that's left to do now…… sleep with the best men……..only joking! You have all been amazing in the build up to today, and I'm sure you'll agree they all look fantastic.

A special thank you to Rhi &amp Kirstie, not just for your efforts in organising probably the wettest hen do in history, and for giving me some piece and quiet when you were out on the dress fittings, but for being Katie's 2 best friends. You have both supported Kate through the months leading up to today…and in the many years you have all been true friends…….so from Katie and I, thank you for everything.

Toast the wedding party….…

Ladies and gentlemen would you all please be upstanding and raise your glasses and join me in a toast to Elaine, the users, the best men and the bridesmaids……..cheers.

My Wife Katie

Now there is one other person I am yet to mention, Katie, my beautiful bride, or as Elwyn likes to refer to her as ‘The Investment’, not sure why as I've never been this skint in my life.

Apparently it's customary that I tell you a story about Kate, how we met, something funny or embarrassing, how she faked having a broken ankle so she could have a set of crutches, or how she slept walked naked in hotel in Paris, but I won't do that!

Many people have been telling me how lucky I am to be marrying Katie, however, none of them have been willing or able to explain exactly why! Kate's a very special woman, she's beautiful, she's smart, she's funny, the list goes on and on, but…I…can't read her handwriting…….only kidding. Katie……you look absolutely stunning today, but then you look absolutely stunning everyday.

Asking you to marry me was the easiest decision I've ever made….You have made today the best day of my life… You look beautiful… I hope that I can make you as happy for the rest of your life as you have made me today.

When I saw you walk down the isle, I thought thank God you agreed to marry me. I love you in so many ways and for so many reasons, because you know me and understand me like no one else ever could, but mostly because you're my very best friend, my soul mate. I love you with all my heart. Thank you for marrying me and making me the happiest man alive and for loving me as much as I love you. I know this is the start of many, many happy years together.

Would you all please be upstanding, raise your glasses and join me in a toast…….to my beautiful wife…….Katie.