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Speech by Will Smith

Had loads of fun writing it and it seemed to go down very well…..just like a good lady…oops can’t stop myself. Hope others find parts useful.

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Will Smith
Speech Date: Jul2005
Thank you all for raising your glasses and toasting myself and Bethan. Very kind indeed.

Right, well here we are then. I feel like a Sheik turning up to his Hareem for the first time….lots to do but not quite sure where to start. Guess I'll do the gentlemanly thing and start at the top and work my way down.

The table centre pieces on each table are a going home present for the lady with next birthday on that table. That should give you something to talk about if the speeches drag on. If there are no ladies on your table you can all vote who looks the most lady-like. Feel free to light the candles now.

Anyway, I'd just like to say welcome one and all. We really are so happy that so many of you have made the effort to be here today whether you've travelled from crickhowell or California we really do appreciate it. We've also been overwhelmed by the generosity you've shown regarding gifts you've bought and in fact we've had to update the list 3 times. We certainly look forward to unwrapping and using them. We will try and say hello to as many of you as possible throughout the day.

When Bethan suggested I might like to propose to her last Christmas (and save my self a few quid as the ring as it could also be her xmas present) I was to say the least a little Naïve in my understanding of the organisational effort required for a wedding like this. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank Gareth and Anne for all their tireless hard work to make today happen. From growing the table decorations to frilly knicker consultancy….they've been involved in every aspect of today so….thank you both. Thank you both also for being so welcoming and help me feel part of the family already, although I do have a bit of an issue with you Gareth as a male role model….being such a great cook and better than a professional at DIY he has put me under a bit of pressure. Bethan now thinks all men are like that but I hopefully am starting to re-educate her. We are thinking about cooking lessons for me aren't we my love…..i guess my cooking 5 meals in 20 months just isn't good enough!!! I know I couldn't believe it either.

I would also like to thank my mum and dad for their help this weekend and for giving myself and Bethan space when we needed it. And yes Honey that is as laid back as they get!!! I'd like to thank my parents…well…for being my mum and dad. Not an easy job I guess but an immensely rewarding one I'm sure you'll agree. They've been there when ever I've needed them…sometimes when I didn't…always giving me the love and support I needed. Thank you. Mind you, hiding my bike for a year in a neighbour's garage just for swearing at the ref when I was 9ys old was a bit harsh!!!!

Bethan, or should refer to you as my most recent X- girlfriend? Wife I guess.
Or is it Mrs Smith
Or to quote your full name:
Bethan Sian Mefanwe Chadwell Jones Bassey Boyce Church Henson Edwards JPR Stereophonic Leak Leyshon-Smith

Bit of a mouthful, albeit a very pleasurable one.
You might just detect a sense of Welsh pride there and looking around this venue and the stunning scenery of the Beacons who can blame her….Oh and the small matter of a grand slam I suppose is quite impressive too although I should point out that by that point in our relationship my commitment to her was so great that I too was indeed cheering for Wales…and the tears after the England game were indeed tears of joy!! I now feel so welsh that on a recent trip to Japan I had to think twice when asked to eat to whale blubber. Is that cannibalism? Not sure, tasted nice though!!

Anyway, my wife,…I'd Like to say how gorgeous she looks but I can't. No seriously I can't…she'll kill me. You see she has a serious psychological problem not entirely unheard of in women: an allergy and inability to take a complement. Honey, you look hideous!!! Ok? Between you and me she actually looks quite nice. In fact I'm quite tempted to try and steal a kiss later…but don't tell her that!!

I'd also like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me a very happy man today. Its been a very special day and I'll never forget it. The image of your duet in church will stay with me for a long time. And I should also say thank you for organising only slightly more than I did to make sure today happened. So I guess I owe you quite a bit and look forward to paying you back over a long time.

I first knew Bethan was the one for me when I realised our laptops and mobiles had the same charger. Some things were just meant to be!!

This feeling was further cemented when I saw how she dealt with an extreme sports injury I received. Last summer I decided to try my hand at sailing but wasn't too steady on my feet and seemed to spend most of my time sliding around the wet deck on my backside in my drenched Speedos. On my return, Bethan could see I was in pain and couldn't sit down. Having rolled about the floor with laughter for 5mins she quickly realised the seriousness of the injury and then wilfully applied the require cream to the effected area with care, love and professionalism. At that point I knew it was true love indeed. It was good to see how she could cope in such a serious situation. In fact, I think Bethan would still agree that, without doubt it was the worse case of nappy rash she has ever seen in a 35yr old!!!

I guess is should thank sean the best man…although doing so before his speech seems a little premature. Premature adulation I always find is something to be avoided!!

Afterall, whilst he did organise a fantastic stag week end (and yes some of my body hair has returned along with a reduction in itchiness), he did ignore my only request. NO QUAD BIKING!! I recall the conversation went something like…don't worry Billy (that's welsh for William mother)…its not really quad biking…its totally different…its Extreme Quad Biking…nothing like quad biking at all!!

Yes, I can confirm my best man is Welsh…and I believe related to Tom Jones. Older brother by the looks of him now!. At least every body should understand one of the speeches. The only downside as I'm sure you'll find out in a minute is he does have a tendency to exaggerate and to be honest, lie!! My inside sources are telling me he might try and suggest that I'm a little tight with my cash. I don't know ….you forget to buy your round once in 1988…and before you know it you're the sort of bloke who wouldn't lend a skint friend stranded abroad a penny…not true. I seem to recall lending Mr A Plant 99c to buy a burger in down town San Diego…and to this day I've asked for the loan to be repaid!

There are many more people to thank and we will be doing so during coffee when we will also be handing out gifts as a token of our appreciation. So please don't think we've forgotten you.

Just before I hand over to sean, I would like to propose a toast to the bridesmaids.
….”The Brides Maids”