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Speech by William Myers

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: William Myers
Speech Date: oct 2003
Thank you David/Eugene for those kind words, I hope the £10 covers it……

You could say I'm a bit nervous about standing up here and giving a speech, in fact this isn't the first time I've got up from a warm seat clutching a piece of paper today but the wine seems to be helping………..…

Before I start with my thank-you's, I trust you've noticed the cameras on your tables? Feel free to take photos throughout the day. It'll probably be a good idea to take them early on as I'm sure you won ‘t be able to focus them later…

On behalf of my wife…and I suppose I'm going to have to get used to that…I would like to start by thanking everyone here for sharing our very special day with us, especially those of you who have travelled some distance to be here. Thank-you for all the wonderful gifts and cards that you have given us, we are very touched by your generosity.

I know this is meant to be our day, but of course, it wouldn't be as special if it wasn't for all our friends and family being here with us, so again a big thank you – we hope you are enjoying the occasion every bit as much as we are.

The more observant of you may have noticed that our wedding invitations, the RSVP cards and the name cards in front of you are all matching and it does have to be said that they all look superb.

This was all done with the great skill and patience of my new parents in law, Eugene and Carmel, so we just I would like to say a big thank you to you both.

On that note we would also like to thank our respective parents, step parents and grandparents. We would like to thank all of you for your love and support over the years, for all the advice you have given us, for putting up with us and pointing us in the right direction, even if we ignored you and did what we wanted anyway.

The biggest thank you, of course goes to my beautiful wife, Fliss. I can safely say I was stunned when I saw how gorgeous you looked walking down the aisle this afternnon, I am truly the luckiest man in the world.

Thank you Fliss for marrying me and making me the happiest man in the world. You are loving, caring, intelligent, witty, sexy, beautiful, and you have accepted me for the man I can't help being.

As I'm sure Fliss will tell you, I am often wrong. But in marrying you, I know I have made the right decision.

I am extremely lucky to be the one to marry you, I love you very much and I know that this is the start of many happy years together.

There are just a few more people I need to thank….first the guy sitting at the end of the table, who despite his appearance, isn't a gigolo, but is, in fact, my Best Man, Paul.

When I told people who I had picked there were a few raised eyebrows, as he is not particularly renowned for his organisation, planning or timekeeping skills. But in the end my confidence was well placed.

He has done me proud and has risen to the occasion – which is, I'm told, a rare and generally unexpected achievement for him these days .

Paul, thanks very much for all your help and for organising a great stag do which I'm told I enjoyed enormously.

I should perhaps just mention at this point that Paul suffers from a rare medical condition which, makes him prone to embellishment.

He often invents the most fanciful stories, which he sincerely believes to be true. I hope that you will all bear this in mind when he stands up to speak in a few moments.

A special thank you goes to the ring bearer, Mathew, whom I'm sure you'll agree, performed his duties admirably and the ushers Richard, Bill, and Dave who weren't too bossy I hope.

I would like to close by saying a very special thank-you to Loretta, Jo, Karen, Marianna, and Esther our lovely bridesmaids.

I am sure you will all agree how beautiful they look. On that note, I would like to propose a toast to the bridesmaids so would you all be upstanding…and raise your glasses and join us as we toast… Loretta, Jo, Karen, Marianna, and Esther.