Speech by Asheta
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Speech Type: Maid of honour/Best woman
Speech Creator: Asheta
Speech Date: 06/01/2015 08:22:00
Good evening ladies and gentleman. I would like to start off by saying how honoured I am that Styna asked me to give her toast on one of the most important and special days of her life. For those of you who don't know me, I am Asheta, Styna's friend.
Styna, we first met in tuitions back in 2006 but I truly got to know you around 4 years ago when you were 10 pounds heavier and wore braces (I promised you embarrassing didn't I?). I still remember how we bonded; you were going through a tough time for which I was giving you advice. I recall how quickly you bounced back from it all and even though you took none of my advice I was won over by how head strong you are. Styna, one of the qualities that I admire most about you is your fearlessness. How you never let anything or anyone stand in the way of what you want and what you set your mind to (watch out Trevor). You are persistent and a go-getter yet you always maintain your composure with class and style. Styna, I have never told you this but I have always thought of you as the younger sister I never had. I have always felt very protective of you that I had to guide you in the best way that an older sister can. But over time I learnt that you never really needed a hand to hold because you strong and courageous and can hold your own in this world. Now as Mrs. Pitt I am sure you will only grow stronger and I have no doubt that you will be a wonderful wife to your husband.
So Trevor for you along with my best wishes I also have some advices for the future:
No. 1 – She is always right
No. 2 – She always needs some new clothes
No. 3 – For a happily married life check advice no.1
Trevor to you I would like to say that Styna is the happiest when she is standing by your side. I want to read out a quote from a movie that I believe perfectly describes the love you guys share;
“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with a person, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”
So let's all raise our glasses for Mr. and Mrs. Pitt.