Speech by Chrissy N
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Speech Type: Maid of honour/Best woman
Speech Creator: Chrissy N
Speech Date: 21/06/2015 17:49:19
Hi everyone,
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Chrissy. I am the maid of honor and best friend of the bride. First off I want to say Sara, you look absolutely beautiful tonight and Matt you don't look half bad yourself! Thank you so much for letting me share this special day with you and I am so honored to be here standing by your side. I would like to say that every once in a while two people meet, and you know it's meant to be. You know instantly that the stars have aligned, and their paths would bring them together regardless what the world may throw their way. This was clearly the case over 5 years ago, when Sara and I first met.
Since Sara and I have only been friends for 5 years we don't have those childhood memories but that doesn't matter because I feel like I have known you my whole life. Part of that could be because we still act like children sometimes okay maybe most of the time. I knew that we were going to be best friend my Junior year her Senior year when I had gotten a tooth pulled and the stitches were really bothering and I couldn't make it to my dentist and the health center would not take them out and Sara volunteered and we have been best friends every since. After that we have gone to several Disney on Ice events and much more and many more fun events to come. You are the best friend a girl could ever ask for and I could never replace you.
Matt to you I would like to say that Sara is the happiest when she is standing by your side and along with my best wishes I also have some advices for the future:
No. 1 – She is always right
No. 2 – She always needs some new shoes/flip flops
No. 3 – For a happily married life check advice no.1
Today is June 20th today is the 172th day of the year. Today is nation Vanilla Milkshake day, today is World Juggler's Day and today is dollars against diabetes day but most importantly today is the start of a new holiday for Sara & Matt today is June 20th and today is the day that you two truly start your life together.
If you all could please raise a glass now and join me in congratulating the very beautiful bride and handsome groom on the day we have all been waiting for!