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“You have been my role model for years and always will be” – Maid of Honour Speech by Faith

"Looking back, Brooke, you were an amazing big sister to me. I have to admit that I don't think I truly appreciated all that you did for me growing up."

Speech Type: Maid of Honour
Time to Read Aloud: 6 minutes
Our Favourite Line: “In marriage scream from the peaks, hold hands through the dips, laugh through the loops and enjoy every twist and turn, for the ride is better because you share it together.”
Notes: “This website was such a huge resource for me when writing my speech. You may notice I’ve borrowed a few ideas from other people on here. Good luck with writing your speech. If you write from the heart and keep it positive, you will be amazing!”

Hello everyone. Thank you for being here to help celebrate Brooke and Brian. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Faith, the maid of honour and Brooke’s little sister. I want to give a special thank you to our parents, Mary and Robert, and Brian’s parents, Gloria and William, for making today possible. You all have set an amazing example of lasting love and what it truly means to be married. Thank you!

You all have set an amazing example of lasting love and what it truly means to be married. Thank you!

Looking back, Brooke, you were an amazing big sister to me. I have to admit that I don’t think I truly appreciated all that you did for me growing up. Pretty much every single one of my memories as a child has you in them and was as wonderful because of you. I remember spending all day playing “Olden Days.” We would start out in the morning picking out our outfits in the costume box. Once we had our back story, persona and outfit set, we would venture outside, and use the four-wheeler as a stand-in covered wagon for the trip out west. The day would usually end up with us making elaborate berry, leaf and sawdust pies at our out-door kitchen on the stone wall. Or I remember how you would play Barbies with me, even when you probably were too old to find it fun anymore. But you always humoured me.

I remember spending all day playing “Olden Days.” We would start out in the morning picking out our outfits in the costume box.

When I was little I loved stuffed animals a lot! I had one stuffed animal named Lambie. Every summer, Brooke would help Lambie go away on an adventure. I wouldn’t see Lambie for weeks! I never missed her much because the best part was that Lambie would write me letters about what she was doing. Brooke would deliver me the special little letters and then help me write and send ones back to Lambie. And let me tell you, Lambie did some amazing things.

As we got older, Brooke, you still included me in your life when the last thing a lot of teenagers would have done is spend time with their pre-teen, annoying sister. When you got your first job at Dunkin and your driver’s license, I was the envy of my six-grade class because you took me to the mall at least twice a week. You even would spend your hard-earned money on things for me so I wouldn’t feel left out when you bought stuff! Later, you continued to always include me in your life and, as we get older, we’ve grown even closer.

When you got your first job at Dunkin and your driver's license, I was the envy of my six-grade class because you took me to the mall at least twice a week.

Beyond spending time with me, you were and still are an amazing example for me. I have always looked up to you and looked to you on the appropriate ways to act, dress and behave. You have been my role model for years and always will be. I am so proud of the woman you are today.

Brian, I am so happy that you and Brooke found one another. I knew you were special from the very beginning. After one of your first dates, the one in Putnam at the antique mall, Brooke couldn’t wait to tell me about it at work the next day. She was absolutely beaming and couldn’t contain her huge smile. She told me how you guys stayed up till 1 am just laughing and then she showed me a picture of you modelling a silly antique jacket with tails and a top hat! I knew it meant something.

She told me how you guys stayed up till 1 am just laughing and then she showed me a picture of you modelling a silly antique jacket with tails and a top hat!

Brooke is obviously beautiful, sophisticated and intelligent. However, not a lot of people know how incredibly hilarious and funny Brooke is. When she was little, we all thought she would have her own sketch comedy show or be on the stage because of all the characters she would make up and how she always made us laugh. Brian, you bring that side out of Brooke. You allow her to be her true self in every form. Brooke, you have found the perfect complement for you. You both have so much to offer the world and each other.

On this day, 133 years ago on June 16, 1884, the very first roller coaster in America opened up at Coney Island. I think this is very fortuitous. A familiar saying uses a rollercoaster as a metaphor for marriage. It goes, ‘In marriage scream from the peaks, hold hands through the dips, laugh through the loops and enjoy every twist and turn, for the ride is better because you share it together.’

If everyone can now raise their glass and join me in congratulating Brooke and Brian. May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old fashioned enough to survive forever. Congratulations!