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Speech by Gill Mandeep

Speech Type: Maid of honour/Best woman
Speech Creator: Gill Mandeep
Speech Date: jun 2003
First of all on behalf of the Bains Family i would like to welcome you here today, making in that extra special for Susie and Gurdeep. For those of you who dont no me im Mandy susies friend from college. Susie i no you was not expecting me to do a speech but dont worry i wont say anything embarrasing because it will be just as embarrasing for me.

We've spent the last 5 years together and i can say we have learnt so much from experience and eachother, you never judge anyone, you put others before yourself and when anyone needs a hand your the first to offer, your motivated and determined to try new things, remember our sewing classes made one dress in about 10 months well at least we tried. Sus like most of us you have had your fair share of ups and downs but you have always had a smile on your face and have come out strong. I actually remeber you saying to me that this is a new begining for you, but remember you have friends and family who deeply care about you. I hope you recieve all the love in the world because if anyone deserves it you do.

i'll never forget your love for food especially chocolate. I never actually understood the fact you hated milk but then loved itv with chocolate and i'll always remember our uni days we would be eating breakfast but you was always more interested what we was going to have for lunch and dinner, so gurdeep at least you no susie wont make you starve.

sus you have been a really understanding friend and i will definetly miss not having you around, you have always been there when i needed someone to talk to so now's my chance to say thank you. They say friends are the family we choose and im very glad to have you as a very close friend. I want you to no im always here for you and i always will be. Im so glad you have met Gurdeep he's a lovely guy and always got hilarious stories to tell, well at least he will have loads to tell the kids.

I guess i'll bring this to an end now im not the best person to give advice but there is a saying which goes god gives us the ingredients for our daily bread but expects us to do the baking well the same goes for marriage god has blessed you as a couple and now its up to you to do all the hard work never give up and have faith in all you do marriage is a journey and i wish you both the very best as you begin your life together.

Susie & Gurdeep May your love be modern enough to survive the times and be old fashioned enough to last forever