Speech by Jessica Lowe
I am the brides sister and found it hard once asked to write a speech so just thought I'd upload mine to help anyone else who is struggling or looking for ideas x
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Speech Type: Maid of honour/Best woman
Speech Creator: Jessica Lowe
Speech Date: 12/09/2012 14:37:33
For those of you who don't know who I am I am Emma's younger sister Jessica, I know normally the bride's sister doesn't give a speech but Emma asked and I'm sure you all know she is very hard to say no to. I would like to start by saying how beautiful you look today Emma and what a perfect couple you and Andrew are; I am happy for you both.
I would also like to take a moment to remember the special people Emma and Andrews dear grandparents Eileen, Fred, Henry and Alice who couldn't be here today but would have loved to see you both get married and will always be in our thoughts.
Writing this speech has had me growing grey whiskers much to Emma's enjoyment. However, Emma I would like to take this time to explain what you mean to me you are more than just a sister. You are my friend, my cheerleader, and my confidant. You wipe my tears when I cry and make me smile when I am sad. You deserve the best, because you are the best. If you are only half as good a wife as you have been a sister you will have a marriage made in heaven. I love you and I'm proud of you. Congratulations for finding your true love you deserve that and so much more.
Andrew you have been a wonderful boyfriend to Emma and then fantastic fiancé which is why I am sure you will make a perfect husband. I guess I should be giving you advice but you have been doing a great job for the past 7 years so as long as you carry on what you're doing and making her smile like she has today you'll be fine, although I will not take returns she is yours to deal with solely now.
Isn't it funny how watching two people totally in love get married makes you self-reflect on your own feelings, I've been doing a lot of that since helping Emma plan her special day and I know that so long as Andrew makes her this happy always there will definitely be a fifth of my heart complete every day because I love you Emma and you deserve to be this happy every waking minute. I am also sure everyone will agree with me Andrew and Emma have worked exceptionally hard to make this day as wonderful as they imagined, well I say they both worked hard what I mean is Andrew has worked hard and Emma has found new ideas every day to make him work that bit harder just to please her, one thing I am sure of though is these next few days off together Andrew will be sleeping like a baby and he totally deserve to, well done the both of you.
Who really knows the true secret to a successful marriage? Is it to always put the other person's needs ahead of your own? Should you vow to spoil each other every day for a lifetime? I believe the real secret is to never stop searching. Never stop searching for new ways to make each other smile. Never stop searching for new places to enjoy each other's company. Never stop searching for greater ways to satisfy each other. Never stop searching for the secret.
To the happy couple. We wish you a lifetime of happiness and all the pleasures that searching will bring Emma and Andrew.