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Speech by Kate Munden

Speech Type: Maid of honour/Best woman
Speech Creator: Kate Munden
Speech Date: Apr2006
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen – I hope you are all having fun???…….its the ladies turn now!
You'll be pleased to know I am only going to speak for a couple of minutes because of my throat…….if I go on too long……..Annie has threatened to cut it! And to get rid of my nerves this evening I'm imagining that you are all naked……
Can I just start by saying how absolutely STUNNING Annie looks this evening – doesn't she everyone?
Jon mate… just look STUNNED.
I have known Annie (or The Ginger Ninja as she's otherwise known) for over 20 years. Our friendship started when she, John & Peggy moved to Chester in 1982.
From day one Little Ginge was always cheerful, always fun & upbeat but a bit of a Maverick – you couldn't really categorise her.
So to try and make things a little clearer I'd like to share with you a few of the most interesting personality traits I've observed Annie exhibiting over the years:

#1 Etiquette. Looking at “The Bride” today you may think she is a calm, little ray of sunshine but when I first thought about putting a speech together for Annie there was one thing that stood out….she is rather re-nound for losing her temper with spectacular ginger ferocity.
These outbursts don't last very long but those on the receiving end (namely bus drivers & bouncers) never forget the experience…….…
In fact, as my research went on and I spoke to various different people the stories just kept rolling in.
I actually have with me today a sample of just some of these stories along with a “Thank You Card” to Jon from the Bus Drivers Association of South London – they're so relieved that you have made The Ginger Ninja happy and got her off their backs!………….well not literally.… although I did hear one story………
Anyway, the most notable stories from this list include
(i) Annie exploding with a torrent of four letter abuse at a playful but lascivious waiter in Gran Canaria
(ii) Annie threatening to beat up every man in a Tunisian Souk and finally, my favourite
(iii) Annie dressed as Luke Skywalker, with Yoda strapped to her back, dancing on a table at her own Star Wars party…….and then nearly getting thrown out by the bouncers.

#2 Travel. Another nickname we have for the Ginger One is “Annie Autoroute” as she drives everywhere to see everyone ALL THE TIME.
Consequently she has an amazingly diverse group of friends dotted around the country – and in fact the world – most of whom I'm glad to say are here to be with her today. I have never known anyone else make this sort of effort with people and it is truly admirable.
One thing I would add though is that I hope you share everything with Jon in this marriage…..including the driving.
#3 Learning to Laugh at Yourself
Annie & I have had a running joke between us for the last 10 years. These years have been such an emotional rollercoaster we have nicknamed them “the best of times and the worst of times”.

Annie you have dealt with the worst of times with guts, with extreme sensitivity but most of all with humour – I sincerely hope that today, this “best of days” will be only the beginning of a very happy life with Jon.

It has been a joy and a privilege to have you in my life for so long and an even greater joy to see you literally blossom in the warmth of Jon's love. Having grown up together I know how much your father adores you and also know how proud and overjoyed the wonderful Miss Peg would have been today.

So, before I get too slushy and start crying I'm going to leave you now with a little quote from Oscar Wilde no less.

“The supreme object of life is to live. Few people live.

It is true life only to realize one's own perfection, and to make one's every dream a reality.”
Ladies & gentlemen please charge your glasses – Annie & Jon may all your dreams come true.
My love to the both of you. Cheers!