Speech by Katie C.
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Speech Type: Maid of honour/Best woman
Speech Creator: Katie C.
Speech Date: 19/05/2015 14:19:39
Hi everyone,
For those of you who don't know me, I am the Matron of Honor, sister and best friend of our bride, Jayme. Jayme you are absolutely stunning. Cory, you've never looked more handsome. What strikes me the most as I look at both of you now, is the complete, unfiltered, pure happiness and love that shines so brightly between you.
I want to start off by saying that every once in a while, two people meet and you just know it's meant to be. You know instantly that the stars have aligned, and their paths would bring them together regardless of what the world might throw their way. This was clearly the case when Jayme and Cory met over eight years ago as freshmen at Boston College.
Having a sister is one of the greatest things I've gotten to experience in life. Having a little sister is even better because it meant I was the boss. When we played ‘dress-up’, Jayme was the servant. When we played ‘horses,’ Jayme had to clean out the stalls and when we played ‘college’ Jayme was waitlisted. Despite all of these less-than-desirable roles, Jayme was right there playing along just the same. She wanted to follow in the footsteps of her older sister, but the truth is… there is SO much that her older sister admires about her.
I have literally watched Jayme grow, mature and evolve into the striking woman that sits before us today. Jayme truly is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. She is incredibly classy and is always put together. In fact, Cory jokes that she is his “Jackie O.” Whether she is singing in the shower at top volume or sinking a shot in the basketball hoop, Jayme is able to find joy in the little things. She puts thought, effort and dedication into everything she does.… running the Boston Marathon, being promoted at State Street Global Advisors, being a Mom to a very ‘special’ cat, being a daughter, a friend and a sister. I know that Jayme will approach her new role as a wife in the same way she does everything in life. Cory, this makes you a very lucky man!
Now, I never knew Cory before Jayme (was there ever a before Jayme?) So, I will let the best man, Chris, regale you with stories from his childhood, but what I can tell you is that he is the perfect man for my sister. I know that because Jayme is the same woman she has always been– but better. Cory is smart, loyal and funny. You can count on Cory for a perfectly clever joke, a helping hand, an eye exam, and the shirt off his back if you needed it. He is compassionate, energetic, easy-going and he fits seamlessly into our family… in large part because he went to BC… but also because he is compassionate, energetic and easy going!
My husband and I first met Cory when he and Jayme were sophomores at BC. I can still picture the two of them in their bright yellow Super Fan shirts walking into the dining hall to meet us. Cory was instantly likeable as he shook Jeff's hand and grabbed me in a goofy hug. He also instantly became the little brother I never had as he said “wow, she really IS short!” and decided to change my name to Kath. I knew that Cory had no choice but to become a permanent part of our family when he held Jayme up, encouraged and supported her when I went through an unexpected health crisis.
As you can see, separately, Jayme and Cory are each phenomenal individuals. Together, they are unstoppable. They will have the marriage that everyone hopes for. They truly are a perfect match and I know that they will be able to ride the waves of life together as friends, as soul mates, as husband and wife.
Please stand and raise your glass while I toast our bride and groom.
Jayme and Cory, if ever you are to enjoy life… now is the time. Today should always be your most wonderful day. Let today be the building block for all the years to come. May your home be filled with laughter and your hearts with love.
Congratulations, I love you both!