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Speech by Lula

Speech Type: Maid of honour/Best woman
Speech Creator: Lula
Speech Date: 09/10/2013 19:00:25

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Lula and I'm one of Kiera's best friends.   And, I actually have the pleasure of working with both Kiera and Jasonn – so I know a lot of great stories about them that most of you don't know…   (wink).  Don't worry Kiera, I'll be good.

When Kera and Jason first started their romance they kept it under wraps at work.  I will never forget when she first told me they were dating.  Kiera and I had been working at together for almost a year side by side with Jason and I don't think they said more than two words to each other that entire time.  But when she moved to Annapolis she started carpooling with a few coworkers and Dustin was one of them.  It wasn't long before Kiera started telling me stories about how great of a guy Jason is, and how sweet and compassionate he is, and how surprised she was about all this because he seemed like this big, tough, intimidating guy at work.  Their feelings went from zero to 60 in about a second and a half.  It wasn't hard to keep their new relationship under wraps at work because Jason was out for weeks with a broken back.  During the time he was out of the office Kiera talked about nothing but Jason at and it was obvious that her feelings for him were very serious.  Being the amazing friend that I am, I always try to give Kera the best, most useful and unbiased advice.  And so I told her, Kera, Jason sounds absolutely amazing…  He might even be the one…  But you are moving way too fast! 

And here we are today.  Obviously, I was wrong. 

Over the past year I've had the pleasure of getting to know Jason better, whether we're going on double date nights that turn into full weekends of fun or catching an Orioles game together or celebrating birthdays together or just hanging out.  I can honestly say Jason is a really great guy and I know without a doubt he will make an amazing husband.

Kiera, you are one of the most beautiful people I know, inside and out.  I'm so happy and excited to be a part of your special day.  Everything about this day has been amazing and I know, despite all the stress that comes with planning a wedding, believe me I know all about it, I know you will have so many happy memories of this day and being surrounded by people who love and support you both.   I want to say a big thank you to all the other bridesmaids for helping to make this day amazing for Kiera.

Jason – I have some final words of advice for you.  And this goes for all you married men out there so pay attention!

Always remember, no matter what, from this day forward what's yours is Kiera's and what's Kiera's is still Kiera's.

It's really important to be able to admit when you're wrong.  And when you're right, just bite your tongue.

Kiera is absolutely, without a doubt, always right anyway.

Everyone raise your glasses to the happy couple!  Cheers!