"Let Me Be the First to Say Welcome to The Family - Although You've Never Not Been Part of It" Maid of Honour Speech
"GROOM has been a brother to me for years and years, and honestly I’ve never laughed as much as I do when the three of us are together, and I’m delighted it’s now official. So, let me be the first to say welcome to the family. Although, you’ve never not been part of it."

Speech Type: Maid of Honour
Time to Read Aloud: 5 minutes
Our Favourite Line: "And I think the ability to admit when you’re wrong - even if you’re not actually 100% sure but it seems pretty likely - is probably a good trait to have in a marriage."
Extra Comments: This speech was given by the Editor of Hitched at her sister's wedding - she recommends practising it out loud lots before reading as it helps you to deliver it more confidently.
Hi everyone, my name is Zoe, and for those of you who don’t know me, I’m the bride’s sister.
It’s not very common for women to give speeches at weddings, so there’s actually nothing I’m traditionally obliged to say here, which has made writing this somewhat of a challenge, so bear with me- but I do want to say thank you to BRIDE and GROOM. I don’t know whether they know this, but they’ve made three of my life wishes come true today - you’re like little genies!
Firstly, I get to give a speech! I’ve always wanted to give a speech, and honestly, I wasn’t fussy when it came to what it was about - I just feel like I’ve got a lot to say, you know. But the fact that it’s at my little sister’s wedding makes it even better.
Secondly, I got to wear a lovely dress and walk down the aisle holding a bunch of flowers… without any of the financial implications or planning stress, so that was nice.
And thirdly - this is a wish I’ve harboured for three long decades. And it has come true today. I’ve got a brother! I mean, the wish hasn’t fully come true as I’ve still got a sister too, but especially in our teenage years, there were times when I really, really wished I’d had a brother instead.
And now, I’ve got a sister and a brother-in-law! It’s so exciting. GROOM has been a brother to me for years and years, and honestly I’ve never laughed as much as I do when the three of us are together, and I’m delighted it’s now official. So, let me be the first to say welcome to the family, GROOM. Although, you’ve never not been part of it.
I can’t really tell you much you don’t know about BRIDE, as you’ve been together so bloody long, but I can tell you that with BRIDE, the things I admire most about her are also the things I find most frustrating.
She is bloody stubborn and knows her own mind, she can sleep in 'til midday and her burps can shake a room. But you know all that.
Going back to being stubborn - what I will say is that she can also back down and admit when she’s done wrong, and that’s not a natural family trait, I think it’s fair to say.
In fact, it’s so rare that one particular time she did it has gone down in family history, so I should tell you about that.
When BRIDE and I were little, we used to share a bath, and on one occasion, my mum noticed in horror that there was a small turd floating around in it - she asked us which one of us did it. I was immediately screaming and clamouring to get out of the bath. That is NOT something I would do. Ever. In any circumstance. Tearfully, BRIDE admitted she thought she had done it.
My mum’s freaking out trying to get it out the bath, we’re there shivering, I’m screaming, BRIDE is sobbing in shame until…the bath is drained and my mum realises that it wasn’t in fact a little poo - instead, it was (reveal Fred Flintstone prop) the brown plastic hairpiece from our Fred Flintstone bath toy, which had become detached from his head.
Now this isn’t an exact replica - 90s Flintstone memorabilia is actually really expensive, if you have any knocking around, take that tip.
But this Fred Flintstone bubble bath bottle I think tells you a lot about BRIDE as a person. And I think the ability to admit when you’re wrong - even if you’re not actually 100% sure but it seems pretty likely - is probably a good trait to have in a marriage. You guys can keep this.
So if you could all join me in standing…ready for my standing ovation. No, in a toast to BRIDE and GROOM - may you always admit when you’re wrong, and may you never share a bath. To BRIDE and GROOM!
Now I’m going to hand over to my dad, the father of the bride, and I’d like to say upfront - I did a lot of editing on his speech, so if it’s great, well, naturally. And if it doesn’t go down well, he’s probably gone off script…
Discover more maid of honour speech examples here.