Speech by Misty
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Speech Type: Maid of honour/Best woman
Speech Creator: Misty
Speech Date: oct 2004
For those of you who don't know me…..I'm Misty…..Reesha's friend of 17 years and her maid of honor. Reesha, I just want you to know how honored I am to stand by your side on this special day. And can I just say how beautiful and happy you look right now? Gosh you would think it was your wedding day or something!
Reesha and I met at James Rutter Middle School in the 7th grade. She was the "new student"…….the "quiet" student. Or so everyone thought. Whenever we got together it was non-stop laughter, but whenever we were around other people it was a different story. I'm sure when most of you first met Reesha you probably thought she didn't like you or that she had an attitude problem because of the way she looked at you when you spoke to her….you know—that "whatever" look. In school, people use to ask me if she was deaf. I would say, "No, believe me, she's hilarious!" They would look at me like, "Yeah right." It was kind of like that Warner Brothers frog that would only sing in front of his owner but around everyone else he would just sit there and ribbit.
As far as I could remember, since we've been growing up, we've had lots of good times and memories together. It seems like it was just yesterday that we were spending whole weekends at each other's houses, staying up all night getting carpal tunnel trying to win concert tickets on the radio. Whenever I think back to all the good times we've had, I can always picture myself laughing so hard, holding my stomach, trying to keep the tears from falling. Actually, wasn't that just yesterday? We started out inseparable and as we grew up sadly the weekend long sleepovers became fewer and fewer but nevertheless we still call each other and see each other whenever we're able to steal a few moments between those grown up responsibilities like work and relationships. Even though we're all grown up, some things never change. We still crack each other up and still have our "secret" language that only the two of us can understand like "Woodchuck to Grey Squirrel……come in Grey Squirrel" or "nduh". And even though I will always cherish the memories we've made and will make, it is time for us to create new ones. Reesha with her new husband and me with my children.
Gary……..the best friend torch has not been passed but extended to you . You better not drop it or you'll have to answer to me. Reesha is very special but I'm sure you already know that. And this time I don't mean little yellow bus special. Thank you for loving her even though she leaves her shoes in the middle of the room and seeing past her most of the time expressionless face. (I swear it's a disorder!) Even though it seems she has "emotions of stone" you know she loves you unconditionally and will be loyal until the end (and even after that). You have taken such good care of her so far and anyone can see how much you love her. When Reesha first told me that she met someone on the internet I said, "Oh on the internet." Inside I was saying, "Oh my God he's a mass murderer!" Of course that's not how I pictured her meeting her Prince Charming but I'm glad she did because you are the best thing that ever happened to her.
And you Grey Squirrel…… What can I say? I am so grateful that you have found love and happiness in Gary. He's crazy so that makes him just perfect for you.You are like a sister to me and I love you very much. You've always been there for me and I hope our friendship only flourishes in the years to come. I hope our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren will be best friends so they can experience a lifelong friendship like ours. My greatest wish for the two of you is that through the years your love for each other will deepen and grow. That years from now you will look back on this day, your wedding day, as the day you loved each other the least. Cheers to you!