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Speech by Phil James

I have attached a copy of my speech for you to use on your website. You may recognise some parts of it as I have referenced other example speeches from The speech went well and many people commented on it afterwards so I hope you may find it useful.

Speech Type: Maid of honour/Best woman
Speech Creator: Phil James
Speech Date: Oct2004
In preparation for my speech, I asked many people for advice. Probably
the best advice given was that a good speech has a good beginning and a
good ending, whereas a great speech has the two of them very close
together. But since when have I ever listened to advice? It's times
like these when I really wish I had listened to what my Mum used to
tell me. I can't call on the benefit of that advice though, as I don't
know what she said, unfortunately I wasn't listening.

Before I start the thankyou's I would like to point out the fun cameras on
your tables. Please feel free to take some pictures for us? We will send you a copy of any good pictures.
No pictures of Moonies please Willet! Or Kev! In fact any of the lads on these two tables!

They say you don't marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without which is very true with Jenny.

I thought I had prepared myself quite well for today but nothing could have prepared me enough for when I saw Jenny walk down the aisle. I thought my legs were about to give way from underneath me. Never have I seen her looking so beautiful. I was overwhelmed to the say the least.

I should be used to it by now as Jenny always dresses to kill, its just unfortunate that she cooks the same way.

She looks absolutely stunning today, as I'm sure you'll agree. So I would like to say thank you to my bride. You are beautiful, intelligent, supporting, kind, funny, caring.

…Sorry I can't read your writing, what does the rest of this say?

My first thank you goes to Jenny, my wife, my bride and joy. We have known each other for over nine years now, and I think that we know each other about as well as two people possibly could. Thank you for marrying me, making me very happy and for loving me as much as I love you. Thanks for making today the best day of my life.

And so, for the very first time, I'd like to say, ”On behalf of my Wife and I”
I would like to thank you all for coming today and sharing Our special day.

I know this is meant to be our day, but of course it wouldn't be as special a day if it wasn't for our family and friends being here with us. So Thank you all for your presence, in both senses of the word. Also we would like to say a special thankyou to those who have travelled a long way to be here today, the furthest being Anna Rafa and Little Sam who have made the journey all the way from Puerto Pollensa in Majorca.

Colin &amp Marian:
We would like to thank Colin for his kind words and wishes. I am sure he was extremely proud walking down the aisle with his beloved daughter and I am honoured that he let me walk out of the church with Jenny as my wife.
I would personally like to thank Colin and Marian for all there support and help.
They have always made me feel very welcome and part of the family and I enjoy their company immensely.
I hope that you don't feel that you've lost a daughter, but have gained another mouth to feed and someone to clean up after.

I feel very proud to be able to say that I am your son-in-law and will always do my best to live up to your expectations and promise to take care of Jenny…and of course do everything she tells me to do…

…Now I'm not saying she's bossy…but I know my place!

Mum &amp Dad:
I'll take this opportunity to say a huge thanks to my Mum and Dad and Grandparents. Really they should receive a medal for endurance!
They have loved and supported me through every stage of my life, including my “Kevin the Teenager” year's that seemed to extend well into my 20’s!
Jenny may argue that they are by no means over yet!
The help, the advice, the support, the finances, the list is endless!
Thanks for putting up with me, you've done a grand job and hope you're as proud of me as I am of you.

At this point we would like to give a gift to both of our parent's. Now Marian, Mum tradition says we should give flowers. Colin, Dad tradition says we should give you whiskey, but Jenny and I wanted to give you all something more permanent.

So we've booked you all in to get a tattoo each!

Only kidding, these are just a small token of our thanks for always being

USHERS: Antony, Martin &amp Mark
I want to say thank-you for agreeing to be our Ushers and in doing such a great job for us today. You have taken a lot of the worry out of the jobs that needed doing and have done everything that we need.

THE BEST MAN: Jim Goulden
He handed me a whole script of nice wonderful comments that I should tell you about him. Unfortunately, all this did was reinstate my belief of the fact that he is a compulsive liar and anything that he tells you should not be believed for one moment.

He was only on day release during our teens and was back under lock and key before dusk…so he knows nothing of my underage drinking habits. Oops sorry mum!

Seriously, Jim, I could not think of anyone I would rather be Best Man for my wedding…
No seriously I couldn't…I tried…but they were all booked.

The truth is that you have affected my life in such positive way and for that I am hugely in you debt.

Jenny &amp I would like to show our appreciation for everything you have done today and in the build up to the wedding. We have a small gift for you.

Now, Jim is T total, so please don't embarrass him by offering to buy him a drink later.

We would like to thank my Grandad for helping with the place seating cards and the seating chart.

We would like to thank Emma for her excellent rendition of Aver Maria at the service today. If I knew you had a voice that good I would have invited Pete Waterman!

Also we have an award to hand out. The award is for outstanding achievement in the field of wine drinking and partying. As the only person apart from Jenny to attend all three hen partys, the winner is Nannette!

Just a quick thank you to John and the rest of the Staff here at The Wellington Park for all the effort they have put in today, I'm sure you agree it was a wonderful meal.

The Bridesmaids:
Don't they look wonderful?
A big thank you goes to our bridesmaids Carolyne, Tina and Liz. Thank you very much for being here today for us.
Here's a little something from both of us by way of a thanks.
LADIES AND GENTS, will you please charge your glasses and stand, as I'd like to propose a toast. “To the Bridesmaids.”

And so ladies and Gents, I think I've gone on for long enough! Once again, a huge thank you to you all, hope you enjoy the rest of today and this evening.
I'll now hand you over to my Best Man.
Mr James Goulden.
Sit down, have large drink!