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Wedding Speeches

Wedding speeches are one of the best parts of any wedding day, but if you’re the one giving a wedding speech then it can often be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour or father of the bride, we have a whole host of ideas and example wedding speeches ready and waiting to help!

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Speech by George Liu
Best Man Speech Examples
Thank you for the great website. Over hundred guests enjoyed my speech which I obtained parts from your website. Thank you.
Speech by Mark Jones
Best Man Speech Examples
Hello Dont know if you are still taking speeches but just in case here is mine for the wedding of my brother in law in february 2003. I must say that without the excellent help from your website and the fantastic sample speeches I would not have had a clue. To say the least I am not a public speaker, in fact I have managed to avoid any form of public speaking for 35 years both at work and on a personal basis. One piece of advice is the same as many others have given which is practice aplenty, i learnt the speech over a month or so, re-writing as i went, eventually it becomes second nature, th
Speech by Richard Parr
Best Man Speech Examples
Hi Guys, Please find attached, the Best Man speech I gave on the Wedding of Chris Wiard and Laura Jackson on January 25th 2003 at Kitley House, Devon. I was very nervous before I stood up but as soon as got some laughs I realised the material was good enough and some people afterwards actually asked if I had paid a Scriptwriter!!
Speech by Nadya Binnis
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, Thank you for your most helpful website - the example speeches were a great steer on the form required. As a female, the role of Best Man was very new to me, but it was comforting to know that the speech itself wasn't breaking too many conventions.
Speech by Tony & Lisa Moss
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Lee Noyes
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Andrew Sanderson
Best Man Speech Examples
Thank you so much for having these example speeches online for free! I bought some speeches, but they were crap. It wasn't until I found your page that I was able to write a decent speech. The attached speech was very well received - everyone laughed a lot. There are quite a few personal jokes in there and those who know the groom well laughed the hardest. Recommendations to others - take Rescue Remedy. It is an aromatherapy type product for calming nerves. Four drops under the tongue - great stuff and available from the local chemist. Thanks, Andrew Sanderson, Auckland, New Zealand
Speech by Tony Doolin
Best Man Speech Examples
I got a lot of help with my speech from your good site and attach my attempt. This wedding was rather polite and upper middle class - and the speech actually went down a storm due, I suspect, to the absence of smut and swearing - Take the hint!! Regards Tony Doolin Stroud Eng.
Speech by Andy Sachrajda
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Matthew Tripodi
Best Man Speech Examples
In appreciation of the help your site provided in preapring this speech, please find attached a copy of my speech for use on your site. Regards Matthew Tripodi
Speech by Matthew Tripodi
Best Man Speech Examples
In appreciation of the help your site provided in preapring this speech, please find attached a copy of my speech for use on your site. Regards Matthew Tripodi
Speech by Lee Barrett
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by John Stafford
Best Man Speech Examples
All went great and thanks "hitched" for the help (for me and the groom) to make our speeches. John Stafford.
Speech by Ross Wordley
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Thanks for everything - the speech went extremely well. As you can see nothing too original - just a synthesis of bits I felt comfortable with from your excellent examples. Cheers,Ross
Speech by James and Nicki
Best Man Speech Examples
I'm sending you my speech used on 21st December 2002. It is a combination of bits from several of the fine speeches i read on your fab site and a few additions of my own. I only came across the site by accident but have passed the details onto anyone I know has a speech to make or wedding to organise. Thanks for the help.
Speech by Simon Ferrari
Groom Speech Examples
Many thanks for a really useful site. Simon