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Wedding Speeches

Wedding speeches are one of the best parts of any wedding day, but if you’re the one giving a wedding speech then it can often be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour or father of the bride, we have a whole host of ideas and example wedding speeches ready and waiting to help!

Recently added to Hitched

Speech by Kevin Hughes
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear, Congratulations on a great site - I performed my best man duties just last Friday, November 15, and found your speeches section a great help. I read several examples for a bit of guidance and they really helped me to put mine together.Anyway, here's a copy of mine for you to place on the site with the others,if you wish.Kind regards,Kevin Hughes
Speech by Liza Brissenden Hemstock
Bride Speech Examples
Speech by Marc Carey
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear 'Hitched', I recently found myself in the predicament of giving away a very close friend - attached is the bones of the speech. It might be useful to others. I know that your site gave me great inspiration. Keep up the good work Marc Carey
Speech by Dave Green
Best Man Speech Examples
To Hitched, I have pleasure in attaching my bestman speech which I did on the 11/11/02. I did this with the aid of a hand-out consisting of embarrassing photos of the groom and it went very well with plenty of laughs. If you do choose to post my speech on your website my message at the bottom is as follows:- I started preparing this speech about 4 weeks before I had to do it, and this site was invaluable for funny one liners and giving me the faith in my speech to deliver it with confidence. It's the most daunting thing I have ever done but it's worth it for the adrenalin rush afterwards. Goo
Speech by Eoghan Smith
Groom Speech Examples
Hi Hitched... I was told about the example speeches by a colleague and decided to have a look, found some very useful bits... the speech went down well, and got some great laughs... please find attached my speech. it might be useful to somebody... after the do several people said that it was a really good and original! which was nice as I was really fretting that it wasn't that good! Thanks again for a very helpful website! Eoghan
Speech by Jeremy Savell
Best Man Speech Examples
Hi Hitched, Just letting you know that your site has world-wide appeal. Using the tips and techniques from the site (and a few jokes) gave me the confidence to deliver a great speech down here in New Zealand on November 9. Thanks to everyone who has donated their speech to the Hitched library too! Cheers, Tim Savell
Speech by Andy Booth
Groom Speech Examples
Speech by Eric Collins
Best Man Speech Examples
this speech had everybody laughing non-stop. Many said it was the best they ever heard. best delievered after several cocktails with charm on full throttle.
Speech by Jason Newling
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear whoever, I would just like to thank you for providing me with some best man example speeches.Over the last few months I have been reading them from your site and gathering info from them to help me thruogh mine. The least I feel I can do is share it with other readers who face the same dilemma as I did. Trevor and Gemela Wedding Reception sat 9 Nov
Speech by Paul Harris
Best Man Speech Examples
Hi I gave this speech (attahced) at the my brother's wedding on Saturday 9th November. Cheers Paul
Speech by Grahan Clare
Groom Speech Examples
Here's my Grooms Speech. My speech was created with alot of help from your site it went down very well indead. Great site, keep up the good work.
Speech by Goonbrewery
Best Man Speech Examples
Giving this speech was the most frightening thing I've ever done, BUT, once you get going it's not too bad - but do try and read it through a few times first - everyone at work knew it as well as me before the day arrived. The 'upper hand' joike went a storm, the tie joke didn't, and the 'bride looks stunning' got a cheer and large round of applause, which relaxed me no end, as everyone is then 100% behind you.
Speech by Richard Cowan
Best Man Speech Examples
Thanks for your great web site which has helped me create a nice speech which everyone seemed to enjoy. I felt it was only appropriate to add my speech to the list so that some other poor sole can read and use it. Thanks again Richard Cowan
Speech by Oxbow Wilson
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Fiona Bainbridge
Best Man Speech Examples
delivered this speech 2 days ago and I am still buzzing from its success. I was a nervous wreck, but the moment I stood up the crowd went wild, clapping and cheering for me. Once I had got the first laugh from the crowd it put me at ease. An important point to note is, to let the crowd finish laughing at your last gag before delivering your next line. People were coming up to me all night congratulating me, telling me it was the best speech that they had ever heard. I did’nt want the night to end. Even the next day, my friends were still commenting, even telling me that they were proud of me,
Speech by Peter Kinney
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched Let me start off by saying 'THANK YOU VERY MUCH'. When my pal asked me to be his Best Man, I was shocked and honoured. I then didn't know where to start. Thanks to your web site I got a lot of great ideas for my speech, which went down very well. A major help was the tips on how to present the speech. Especially the tip about not rushing.I have attached with pleasure, my Best Man's speech for you to put on the Web site. I would however like to set the scene..... I (the best Man) am English and live in Scotland. The Groom is Scottish and the Bride is English, also live in Sco