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Wedding Speeches

Wedding speeches are one of the best parts of any wedding day, but if you’re the one giving a wedding speech then it can often be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour or father of the bride, we have a whole host of ideas and example wedding speeches ready and waiting to help!

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Speech by Martin Carter
Groom Speech Examples
Hi, thought you might be able to use this. I found your site really helpful for generating ideas when I was planning my speech. In the end, it went down a storm!! People who weren't there have even come up to me and mentioned it. So thanks for a great site and for the help it gave me.. Martin Carter
Speech by Alisdair Martin
Best Man Speech Examples
Here is a speech I made at my mate's wedding in July 2002. Terrifying experience, but not too bad once actually standing up! Feel free to use it on your site. Cheers Al Martin
Speech by Black Findlay
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Jon Ostrowski
Best Man Speech Examples
Attached is a copy of the speech I will be giving at my brothers wedding this Saturday. Your site has helped me a lot!
Speech by Mark Birchmore
Best Man Speech Examples
Here's mine! Regards, Mark Birchmore
Speech by Rob Leader
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by David McCleery
Groom Speech Examples
Our wedding was on the 30th of July 2002, Sorry for not sending the speech in sooner, I hope this will give some up and coming grooms some help. Cheers David from Belfast - Northern Ireland
Speech by Adam Cline
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Chris Pope
Best Man Speech Examples
Just like to say thanks for your help with the speech and here's a copy of mine which might be of use to someone else
Speech by Graham Smillie
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Leigh Keepence
Best Man Speech Examples
Im 19 yrs of age, and have just been Best Man to my brother Mark who married Stacey on Saturday 20 July 2002 here is my speech for inclusion on your terrfic site, it includes lots of funny snippets from other speeches and some of my own work !!!! Leigh Keepence, Best Man , Swindon Wilts
Speech by Kyle Smith
Best Man Speech Examples
Thanks a bunch. It was a huge success. I couldn't have done it without your help. regards Kyle Smith
Speech by Lee Sporle
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear I was asked to bestman well 1 of the bestmen at a wedding. I used your site to get help and ideas, and was congratulated on the speech by everyone at the wedding and even the Hotel staff. The names of the best men were Lee Sporle and Andy Broderick the wedding was on the 20th July 2002. I have attached the speech so you can use on your website. regards lee sporle
Speech by Ian Vevers
Best Man Speech Examples
Hi there, I delivered this speech at the wedding of by best mate Dan to Kathleen, 20th July 2002. Dan & I liaised quite closely on our speeches to ensure we didn't use the same material, and to agree the patter for the handover. Dan introduced me as 'a man who fell in love with self many years ago, and has always been faithful..' plus other (appropriate!) references to big ego's, etc. My advice? Start work on as soon as you know , a little at a time. Speak VERY slowly - it will seem slow to you but to the audience it will be fast! The buzz from the genuine & sincere compl
Speech by Stephen Grant
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Sir/Madam, As I found to be very useful when preparing my bestman speech so i've attached my final speech for you to include on your website. I've ommited names for obvious reasons. Its worthy to note that the groom and I are british and the bride and most the congregation were americans. The speech still went down a storm though and I was plied with drinks all night. Regards Stephen Grant
Speech by Matt Walker
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Sir or Madam Gave this speech at the weekend for pal's wedding in Oxford. My third time as a Best Man, but the first time I'd used your website for inspiration. Very useful resource so keep up the good work. I hope you don't start charging people for access to the speeches! Matt Walker