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Wedding Speeches

Wedding speeches are one of the best parts of any wedding day, but if you’re the one giving a wedding speech then it can often be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour or father of the bride, we have a whole host of ideas and example wedding speeches ready and waiting to help!

Recently added to Hitched

Speech by Phil Sugrue
Best Man Speech Examples
Thank you for all the help, was invaluable. I gave the speech on the 15th June and it went down really well. Phil Sugrue
Speech by Alan B
Best Man Speech Examples
Hi - great site ! I thought I would donate the following Best Man speech I made at a wedding on 15th June 2002. I first used the "whip it out" joke during a similar speech a few years ago and it never fails to get a laugh. The "warm seat with a piece of paper.." joke (mercilessly stolen from another "Hitched" speech) also went down well, though it took several seconds for the guests to click, though lots of laughs when they do ! Hope someone finds it useful. Alan B
Speech by Craig Davidson
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Dr Mark Barley
Best Man Speech Examples
Thought I'd send this in - went down a treat! Was even congratulated by the hotel manager! Tips: 1) Search for an Original(ish) opener - not the "warm seat & paper" or "Queen Mother" ?!!! gag everyone else has used. - Watch stand-ups etc and pinch their stuff! 2) Speak slowly! - Speak so that it sounds irritatingly loud and slow to you - this will be just right for Granny at the back of the room! 3) If uncertain about contents or your delivery, watch comic pro's, and get people you respect to give you HONEST critisism! Above all, look like you are enjoying yourself, and then
Speech by James Slater
Best Man Speech Examples
Here is the Best Man speech I made on Saturday 22 June. The sample speeches on were invaluable in helping me write this, so I would like to share it with future Best Man's. Thanks! B. rgds, James Salter
Speech by Paul
Best Man Speech Examples
Thank you for your help Paul
Speech by Terry Nokes
Best Man Speech Examples
With Thanks to from Terry Nokes
Speech by Murray Jummun
Groom Speech Examples
Speech by Andrew Sutherland
Best Man Speech Examples
I found your site to be a godsend !!
Speech by John Baird
Groom Speech Examples
John Baird who married Diane Enfield Middx
Speech by Phil Johnson
Best Man Speech Examples
Here is an example speech that i made at my mates wedding in June this year please feel free to add it onto your list of example best man speeches. RegardsPhil Johnson
Speech by Darren Miller
Groom Speech Examples
Dear Sir/Madam, I was very relieved when I found your website about 3 weeks before I got married. It really helped me with writing my speech and gave me the confidence to deliver it. Thank you. Darren Miller.
Speech by Richard Mewis
Best Man Speech Examples
Hiya, Please find below a copy of the speech I gave last weekend in Sarteano, Italy as Best Man to Jason Martin who married Lyn Carlton. Please feel free to put it on your website to hopefully help other nervous Best Men. If you need any other info, drop me a line. Best Wishes, Rich Mewis
Speech by Ben Jackson
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Daniel Miles
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, Please find a copy of my best man speech attached. I used this speech on Saturday 8th June 2002. If this is helpful to other best men I am only too pleased to help! Kind Regards, Daniel Miles
Speech by Jud Gray
Best Man Speech Examples
This speech is from Jud Gray and took about 10 minutes to deliver.