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Wedding Speeches

Wedding speeches are one of the best parts of any wedding day, but if you’re the one giving a wedding speech then it can often be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour or father of the bride, we have a whole host of ideas and example wedding speeches ready and waiting to help!

Recently added to Hitched

Speech by Paul Cullen
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Paul Grover
Best Man Speech Examples
Found your web site so useful, though I should return the favour and attach my speech, only hope someone else can benefit from it. Kind regards Paul Grover
Speech by Russell Williams
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, I gave this speech on the 15th February 2002 and it went down pretty well. I used quite a few ideas from your site and it proved invaluable. Thanks !!! Russell Williams.
Speech by Spencer Mathews
Best Man Speech Examples
Good afternoon Many thanks for your excellent website. It was only through this site that I was able to compile my speech for the big day. I am delighted to say that everyone thought it fantastic and I was congratulated by both the Bride and Grooms father on a great effort. As you can see from the speech, nearly all was hand-picked from various peoples earlier efforts! Thanks again, keep up the good work. Regards, Spencer Matthews
Speech by Neil Davis
Groom Speech Examples
All at Hitched, Please find attached my husbands speech, if you would like to use it on your website please feel free. Speech by Neil Davis for wedding on 02/02/02. Kind regards, Zoe Davis
Speech by Jason Knowles
Best Man Speech Examples
The attached speech was aided massively by your website and went down very well with all present. Thank you very much Jason Knowles
Speech by Matt Docwra
Best Man Speech Examples
I thought you might like the speech I prepared when I was Best Man just over 2 years ago. Travelling up the M5 two junctions were closed because of an accident so I very nearly missed the wedding! This made me twice as nervous as I had to change the first part and ad-lib. However, the speech when down very well and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I hope others may find it useful. Matt Docwra
Speech by Rebecca
Maid of Honour Speech Examples
I am a female who gave her sister away - and no where could i could find a speech to help! Hopefully this will help someone - Good Luck
Speech by Matt Rowe
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Warren Teichner
Best Man Speech Examples
Hi I found your site to be a huge help. Here is my best man speech that I used at my brother's wedding in South Africa. It went down really well. Cheers Warren
Speech by Mark Hooper
Best Man Speech Examples
I used your site to give me some guidance and ideas for my speech - Thank you. And so I thought I would return the favour. Please find below a copy of the speech I used as Best Man. Regards
Speech by Alastair
Best Man Speech Examples
Please see attached a speech I put together for my mate's wedding last summer. It was the most nerve-racking experience of my life but surprisingly I got a few laughs! Hope it's of some use.
Speech by Gareth Bowers
Best Man Speech Examples
Hi there, I'd like to thank you for your web-site as it helped me so much when making my speech. Without the examples the preparation and quality would have been... bad. After the speeches I had 10+ people come up to me and say it was the best speech they'd ever heard!! Thanks, Gareth
Speech by Bryan Middleton
Best Man Speech Examples
I used your site in November 1999 for a best man speech and found it to be a fantastic help. I'm now in the process of writing my speech as the groom and came back for some more help. I did not submit my best man speech at the time but thought I would do so now. Thanks again. Bryan Middleton
Speech by Simon
Best Man Speech Examples
It was some time ago (August 11) I just haven't gotten around to sending it) Thanks to your site my speech went very well (sorry about the internet jibe a total lie but it got a laugh). To all best men in training I would just like to say I was bricking it right up to the point were I stood up and then I actually enjoyed myself. Basicly you couldn't ask for a kinder audience don't worry it's a doddle :-)
Speech by Ben Eve
Best Man Speech Examples
Following the success of my speech of which i gleaned a few ideas from your website, I would like to donate my speech to aid similarly floundering best-men. Great website!!! Regards Ben Eve