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Wedding Speeches

Wedding speeches are one of the best parts of any wedding day, but if you’re the one giving a wedding speech then it can often be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour or father of the bride, we have a whole host of ideas and example wedding speeches ready and waiting to help!

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Speech by Mark McNally
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Matt Webb
Best Man Speech Examples
Please find attached a copy of my Best Mans speech I gave on 4th August 2001. The speech went down a storm, with many people coming up to me later in the day to say how much they enjoyed the speech! Without the web-site and all the other speeches I'm sure mine wouldn't have been as good. Tip - use as many prop's & one-liners as you can. It helps you remember the speech & keeps the audience interested... Thanks Matt Webb
Speech by Paul Bond
Best Man Speech Examples
I was the best man(Paul Bond) at my brothers wedding(Richard Bond) on the 4th aug 2001. I would just like to thank hitched for the help. Many thanks. I have attached my speech just in case it helps anyone
Speech by Paul Newlove
Best Man Speech Examples
Would not have been as successfull with my bestman speech without the help of this web site. Keep up the good work. Paul Newlove
Speech by Sean Rooney
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your site is a godsend,i will be doing this speech with my mate at a wedding on friday. I'm really nervous,but I think my friend(who loves macdonalds)will like it...
Speech by Shaun Bell
Best Man Speech Examples
Please find attached my best man's speech. I've highlighted various words and used colour so I'm not sure if you'll recieve it in this format or not but I'll send it anyway. Thanks very much you were a life saver. As soon as I got the first line out the audience started laughing. Cheers again Shaun Bell
Speech by Simon Pearce
Best Man Speech Examples
Please feel free to use the following best man speech on your website. The wedding was on the 4th July 2001.. (See attached file: Bestmanspeech.lwp)(See attached file: Bestmanspeech.doc) Kind Regards, Simon Pearce (Best Man)
Speech by Steve Gage
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Best man speech given by Steve Gage for Lucas Bestrom
Speech by Paul-John McMenamin
Groom Speech Examples
Thanks to your website, I got a lot of fun and inspiration preparing for my wedding in the scottish borders last month. I enclose a copy of my speech for you - most of it was my own material and for the first time in my life, I actually made someone laugh! Cheers . . . Paul-John McMenamin
Speech by Andy Corrall
Best Man Speech Examples
Many thanks to all at hitched and all the other unlucky sods who became best men. this speech wemt down very well.
Speech by Andy Martin
Best Man Speech Examples
Made this speech at my mate's wedding, couldn't have done it without your help, just remember you'r amongst freinds, so there is no need to be nervous. Best wishes Andy Martin
Speech by Chris Whalley
Best Man Speech Examples
Hi I made this speech on 21/7/01 and I must admit I was bricking myself! After I'd got my first couple of lines out I felt a lot better, after that I quite enjoyed it and I think everyone else did too. This took about 25 mins to deliver, with all the barracking from my mates. Chris Whalley
Speech by David Knockton
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Loarn McCutcheon
Best Man Speech Examples
Please find attached the speech I used as Best Man at a wedding on 3rd August 2001 - it went down a storm! I found your web-site very useful in helping me prepare, so I hope that I can help others! Yours ever, Loarn McCutcheon
Speech by Roger Hunt
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched I was given your web site by a friend when stuck writing my speech. The sample speeches were a god-send when finding a suitable format. The speech went down great - as did the alcohol immediately after the speech. Thanks again. Roger Hunt
Speech by Scott McNeill
Best Man Speech Examples
I used your site, thank you very much hope my speech helps others too