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Wedding Speeches

Wedding speeches are one of the best parts of any wedding day, but if you’re the one giving a wedding speech then it can often be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour or father of the bride, we have a whole host of ideas and example wedding speeches ready and waiting to help!

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Speech by Jamie Stranks
Best Man Speech Examples
This was the speech I used on 21/07 and it went down very well. I hope others can choose some bits from it as I did from the samle speeches on this website. Regards, Jamie Stranks
Speech by Peter Davidge
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear "Hitched," I delivered the below speech on 20th July 2001 at my brother's wedding. I was very worried that I would forget the lines, or that the jokes would all fall flat. However, it couldn't have gone any better - I had to stop talking on three occassions to allow the audience to stop laughing ! Several people approached me afterwards to say that this was the funniest Best Man Speech they had heard (my first time too !). Thanks to '' for allowing me to steal all the jokes from other people's speeches !! Peter Davidge
Speech by Phil Wilson
Groom Speech Examples
Hi thanks very much for your web site. A real help when doing my speech. Attached is my speech. Phil Wilson
Speech by Alexander Harrison
Best Man Speech Examples
Hitched, Just wanted to pass along a word of thanks for helping me through delivering the best man speech. it went over really well and i figured i would repay the favor by posting the speech to your sight to help others. best. Alex
Speech by Neil Turner
Best Man Speech Examples
I thought I'd share my Best Man speech with you and your surfers. Your site helped me out a lot when I made this speech last summer. I'd like to return the favour. Neil Turner
Speech by Steve Morley
Best Man Speech Examples
Although a bit close to the mark at times, the speech was delivered to 100 people all of which I knew! It went down a storm! Thanks to hitched for the help & advice!
Speech by Massimo D’Alvito
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, I put in alot of work and research into my speech, and delivered it very well on the day. I got alot of laughs and congratulations. I am confident my speech will help others in the same position. Thanks very much. Massimo D'Alvito
Speech by Paul Wetherhill
Best Man Speech Examples
Thank you for the site. Your examples helped me a great deal for my Best Man's speech. Hope you find mine a valuable contribution. Thanks again Paul Wetherhill
Speech by Stephen Seamen
Best Man Speech Examples
I gave this speech on 16th July 2001 at the wedding of my best mate Gary. It seemed to go down well. Contrary to the advice of several of your correspondents, I would definitely recommend getting at least a little bit bladdered before hand. Best Wishes to all at Hitched - Stephen Seaman.
Speech by Stephen Fryer
Best Man Speech Examples I don't know where to start thanking you.. Your web site has been the biggest help possible. I gave this speech at my best mate's wedding last Sat, 7th July, and it went down a treat. As you can see, a lot of it was borrowed from your pages. To say that I was shitting bricks before hand is an understatement, but once I'd delivered the Queen Mum joke, and everybody started pissing themselves I felt totally at ease. All I can say to anybody who has to give a speech soon is to ENJOY IT. Many thanks Steve Fryer
Speech by Gary Dempster
Best Man Speech Examples
Hitched Your website was a great help in preparing my best man's speech for my brother's wedding on 30th June 2001 - thanks. The advice and example speeches are a great starting point and prompted further ideas. My speech went down very well and I'm glad to share it with others. Advice - don't be too daunted, preparation and practice are the key - the audience are not there to harangue! Thanks again Garry Dempster
Speech by Tim Del Strother
Best Man Speech Examples
This speech went down extremely well and many guests made a point of saying how much they had enjoyed it. It was the bride and grooms second marriage and both had children from previous marriages attending. The guests ages ranged from 2 to 87. was invaluable. Advice on structuring speeches together with the sample speeches made an initially terrifying task manageable and resulted in a very successful "performance
Speech by Adam Smith
Best Man Speech Examples
Thanks to everyone who posted there speech on Hitched. Its an excellent site. Adam Smith
Speech by Andrew Bell
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched I'd just like to register my praise for your excellent web-site. It certainly helped me a great deal in the planing of my best mans duties and most importantly the speech. I dipped in and out of a number of the various example speeches on offer to get a good blend and I'm happy to say the results were very well recieved. Which was a relief! I was also able to pass on your web address for a few soon-to-be best men who were desperate for tips on where I got my jokes from! I attach a copy of the transcript of the speech, please feel free to include it or ignore it, what
Speech by Darren Jickells
Best Man Speech Examples
Wish me luck, I found your site very helpful, thanks
Speech by Paul Withnall
Best Man Speech Examples
This speech was delivered on June 30th by 2 best men, myself Paul Withnall and Mark Burchett. I found the example speeches very helpful in giving me ideas for both content and format, with a fair amount of preparation and practice we managed to deliver it brilliantly on the day and both of us actually enjoyed it.