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Wedding Speeches

Wedding speeches are one of the best parts of any wedding day, but if you’re the one giving a wedding speech then it can often be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour or father of the bride, we have a whole host of ideas and example wedding speeches ready and waiting to help!

Recently added to Hitched

Speech by Shane Jay
Best Man Speech Examples
I delivered this speech to about 130 people on 30/6/01 and it went down brilliantly. Many thanks to your website for without it, I think I would have struggled. Shane Jay
Speech by James Wakefield
Groom Speech Examples
Hello, Thought you could use this in you Grooms Speeches section, as I found your material informative reading! Regards, James Wakefield
Speech by Dave Everest
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Hitched, This is a copy of the speech I gave when my daughter Sarah got married on 22 June 2001 in Sheffield. As you will see many of the ideas were mainly from speeches I had seen on your web site for which I am very grateful. Dave
Speech by Robert Mitchell
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, I attach a copy of my speech presented at the wedding of my daughter Shonagh to Ryan, on 16 June 2001. I would be happy for it to be used as an example. Regards Robert Mitchell
Speech by Alisdair Gilmore
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, I was best man at a friend's wedding in mid-June 2001. The speech went down very well, and I thought I'd submit it to you, seeing as the example speeches on your site were extremely useful in writing my own! My advice to anyone else in the same boat: Try and make it relaxed and conversational, and if you can get a bit of banter going with the audience, so much the better. I found the best approach was to write the speech out and (attempt to) commit it to memory a week or so before - then on the day, just refer to a list of all the main points to keep you on track. That way,
Speech by Andrew Davies
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, I have a speech you may be interested in, that you could place on your speech examples page. As your site was a great place for me to get a start and gained many tips, for which I must thank you. Regards, Andrew Davies
Speech by Andy Fox
Best Man Speech Examples
What would I have done without your site? As you will see Ive chopped, pinched and plagarised just about all the speechs on here but the end result was absolutley terrific. The crowd loved it, the giggles were there and by the end I felt like a king as I got a standing ovation. The only line I wish I had left out was the queen mother one, purley because afterwards everbody said they had heard it before. Aside from that it went great. Thanks again, Andy Fox
Speech by Chris F
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched This is the speech I gave at my brothers wedding in June, 2001. It was a real hit. The whole thing took about 10 minutes to deliver, and afterwards a couple of lads even asked for tips! Thanks to your site and all those whose speeches I raided to make mine such a success. Chris F
Speech by Dominic Mancini
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, I found your site really helpful in preparation of my recent Best Man's Speech (attached), so I thought I'd send it to you in the interest of being community-minded! The audience was half Japanese, half English and I think I hit about the right note.Your site was more helpful than any of the books I have found so far. Keep up the good work and thanks! Dominic Mancini
Speech by Jason Ramsay
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, Please feel free to show this speech on your examples page. Can honestly say that the thought of doing the speech was much worse than actually doing it, and got all the laughs where they were supposed to be. Thanks very much for the help from your site. Jason Ramsay.
Speech by Martin Hodgkinson
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched Your site was very useful. This speech went down a storm. Yes, I was nervous, but everyone really is on your side. I would also recommend a book by Mitch Murray called one liners for weddings. His advice to use shorter snappier lines (rather than longer stories) really is the way to go. Try not to let nervousness about the speech spoil the day - it really is not that bad! Martin
Speech by Matt Nicholls
Best Man Speech Examples
I was unnecessarily worried about this speech as it went down a treat and would be happy for you to include it in your examples. The speech was 1/2 my own ideas and 1/2 ideas blatantly copied from your website, so thanks a lot. Regards Matt
Speech by Neil Millar
Best Man Speech Examples
Please find attatched my recent Best Man speach. I used your web site for research and found it very useful - Thanks. Neil M.
Speech by Nick Bannister
Best Man Speech Examples
Hello, Please find my speech pasted below. Thanks to hitched for some good advice - I combined it with material from Mitch Murray's excellent One Liners for Weddings book - and some of my own 'jokes'. Got an excellent reception. Some advice - avoid long, drawn out personal anecdotes which are only funny if everybody knows the story and keep to the short and sharp approach, with a snappy joke in every line. And take your time. This one took about five minutes. Thanks for all your help, Nick Bannister
Speech by Paul Bolton
Best Man Speech Examples
Attached is a speech which I did on 16/06/01, With thanks to it was a great success with everyone offering to buy me drinks by using the one liner "my name is Paul whatyoudrinking" at the start of the speech. The only advice I'll give is study the speeches on this site and practice, practice....... Good Luck, everyone Wants you to do well...even if you don't think so!!!! Cheers Paul Bolton Lancashire
Speech by Paul Spencer
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, The attached lasted 4/5 minutes & once I'd started it was over in a flash, having said that the build up seemed to last forever & aged me about ten years. My advice would be: Do keep it short nobody wants to hear you drone on forever & trust me the more complicated you make it, the greater the chance of you cocking it up. Everybody will genuinely be supportive as they appreciate the personal hell your going through - so inevitably it is never as bad as you anticipated. Best of luck & read as many example speeches as you can as the more ideas