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Wedding Speeches

Wedding speeches are one of the best parts of any wedding day, but if you’re the one giving a wedding speech then it can often be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour or father of the bride, we have a whole host of ideas and example wedding speeches ready and waiting to help!

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Speech by Sean Moyles
Best Man Speech Examples
Thanks for all of the assistance in putting this speech together - this site was immensely helpful. Please feel free to pass this one on to your users - I hope that they will find it useful. It got a few laughs, most of which were intentional. Additionally, the Maid of Honor (Kelly) took care of all the "Thank Yous" for the both of us during her interlude. Enjoy!
Speech by Chris Girling
Groom Speech Examples
Dear Hitched My name is Chris Girling. I married a teacher, Mary Halsall.She is lovely. This was Mary's first wedding, and we are both in our forties. It was a brilliant day, and the Hotel, guests, and local residents who couldn't sleep, all said they had a great time. I spoke, for 28 mins, A) 'Cos I'm a prat! B) Because it would be unfair to expect a lot from a best man new to our 5 year old relationship, and C) 'Cos I LOVED IT! -Have a dig at your kids/ family/ whoever! It's your day, have a good one!
Speech by Chris Buxton
Best Man Speech Examples
Hitched Thanks for the service, It was very comforting to see the overall expected content of a speech. I hope my speech will help some sorry sod as others helped me. Good luck Chris
Speech by Mark Scheffers
Best Man Speech Examples
Hitched, I got most of my speech from you.You are A LIFESAVER thankyou!! Everyone laugh there butts off. I made it short but people are still talking about how I roasted Shane ( in a good way) Thanks again Mark Scheffers
Speech by Dave Chambers
Best Man Speech Examples
Hitched, Firstly may I thank you for giving me the inspiration and ideas for making a best mans speech at my best friends wedding on 14th April 2001. Please find my speech enclosed. If you think it's good enough for inclusion on your site that would be great and if somebody else can use it to help them - then even better! Regards, Dave Chambers.
Speech by David Charlton
Best Man Speech Examples
Hitched, Hope this is a help to someone, Kind Regards David Charlton
Speech by Nicholas Bettaccini
Best Man Speech Examples
Please find attached the Best Mans speech that was use for the wedding of Rosie & Lee on 14 th April 2001. Hitched helped me greatly with my speech preparation, so I hope my speech will help others. Thanks Nick
Speech by Yau-ming
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Yau-ming's speech (Bride's father speech) (Editor's note: The Bride's father passed away in 1995, so her older brother took his place during the Wedding ceremony)
Speech by Tim Stewart
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by David Charlton
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, You are amazing!!!! I must have spent 5 hours on your site in preparation for my speech. I picked the jokes that I found funniest and put them together in my speech. One main objective that I wanted to achieve was to have minimum embarrassment for the groom, as he is my best friend, no swearing or references to sex. Basically a clean funny, and genuine speech. I had some sentimental things to say, which I felt was important to balance the speech. I was surprised at the success. The wedding organiser scored my speech a 9/10. Everyone was shaking my hand and saying i
Speech by Jon
Best Man Speech Examples
Hi Guys I found your website a real godsend in planning my speech. The speech attached looks short, but took about 5 minutes to deliver. I found it helpful to have the text at hand, rather than using prompt cards - if you totally dry up it's useful to have some written words at hand. Luckily I didn't dry and only had to look at the text a couple of times. Also, I deviated from the speech as written, things just come to you when you're delivering it. Jon
Speech by Sean Driskel
Best Man Speech Examples
I have to say, I was intimidated by the Best Man speech, until I found your site, and followed the VERY helpful advice here (including a swiped joke). With my compliments, please find attached the speech I wrote based on your sites info. My friends Marty and Ruby are happily married and living in Ohio. Thanks again for the help!
Speech by Steve
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, This is the text of a speech I wrote using some of your resources. It went off beautifully and I hope that it can be helpful to others. Kind regards Steve
Speech by Tim Del Strother
Best Man Speech Examples
This speech went down extremely well and many guests made a point of saying how much they had enjoyed it. It was the bride and grooms second marriage and both had children from previous marriages attending. The guests ages ranged from 2 to 87. was invaluable. Advice on structuring speeches together with the sample speeches made an initially terrifying task manageable and resulted in a very successful "performance" Tim del Strother
Speech by Michael Stannard
Groom Speech Examples
Speech by John Wilkinson
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched: My friend Neil is British and he married a Japanese woman, Takako, here in San Francisco. Neil had two best men - both of us named John, both Americans, and we both delivered a speech. Attached is my speech. I delivered it very slow - with a straight face - and it seemed to be very well received. Good luck to all best men! John.