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Wedding Speeches

Wedding speeches are one of the best parts of any wedding day, but if you’re the one giving a wedding speech then it can often be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour or father of the bride, we have a whole host of ideas and example wedding speeches ready and waiting to help!

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Speech by Denise Ing
Maid of Honour Speech Examples
I was the Maid of Honour at a wedding in Toronto. You don't have enough Maid of Honour speeches, but you do have plenty of good Best Man speeches, which I sampled freely from. (By the way, the American wedding sites are a lot stuffier than yours.)
Speech by Brian Laffin
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
I had the outlines of a speech disorganised in my mind. By good fortune I happened onto your site and after reading your examples and then a few drafts it came together. You are welcome to use my speech as one of your examples in return for the confidence and ideas that your site gave me.
Speech by John Welsh
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, I had the great pleasure of giving away my baby sister on 17th February, 2001. Many thanks to all those who posted theirs on your site before me. I am sure that they will recognise their influence. I timed this speeech at eight minutes and was pleased that the final delivery was within one minute of that. I am pleased to say that it went down well, and my mother,who was VERY worried about what I was going to say, pronounced me 'backin her will' afterwards. Best regards John Welsh
Speech by Adam Lackie
Groom Speech Examples
I used your site for some ideas for my Grooms speech at my wedding on 10th Feb 2001, so I'd like to contribute my effort. Adam Lackie
Speech by Martin Burke
Best Man Speech Examples
Here is my speech which I gave just before Christmas. Although I was nervous, I remembered the advice from your site which helped me enormously. The speech got lots of laughs, and even a round of applause half way through. Many people commented on it being just the right length - approx 8 minutes. I think the key to the speech was memorising it - this gave me the confidence to concentrate on the timing of the jokes - otherwise it can sound like you're reading something from a cracker.! all the best
Speech by Geoff Eaton
Best Man Speech Examples
I gave the attached speech last Saturday and your web site was a great help during the preparation. I was quite nervous beforehand but fine as soon as I got up there. The important thing to remember is that everyone wants you to do well, including the audience. The speech went down very well and received a lot of laughs, applause and congratulations afterwards.
Speech by Nigel Bettridge
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, Please find attached the speech I made at my brothers Wedding on Saturday. When researching for the speech I found your site to be most helpful and I would like to thank all of those before me who had posted their speeches to the site- I basically read through all of them and noted down material which I wanted to use and compiled the end result as you see it today and it went down a storm. If I can give any advise to future ' Best Men' searching the site for info- it would be try not to get to stressed at the thought of making the speech, It is nerve racking (as I can vouch, eve
Speech by Roger Oconnor-Boyd
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched Enclosed is the Best Man speech I made at the wedding of Sally with David on 9th September 2000. I would be delighted if you chose to publish it on your site. Kind Regards, Roger O'Connor-Boyd
Speech by David Shephard
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
I would like to thank you in helping me put together a speech for my daughters wedding and enclose a copy. I hope it is of some assistance to any father of the bride in future, once again thank you very much
Speech by John Coulter
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Like many others I found the example speeches on this website of enormous help when preparing my speech for my daughter's wedding. I hope that any prospective bride's fathers out there will find my own speech of similar help John Coulter
Speech by Jeremy Wright
Best Man Speech Examples
To Hitched Please find attached the speech I gave as Best Man in Sept 2000. Please feel free to include on example speeches if you feel its appropriate. Many thanks for tips and guidance from your site. Best regards Jeremy
Speech by Anonymous
Bride Speech Examples
Hi to the staff at example speeches were a tremendous help and inspiration to me when it came to planning my own wedding speech, especially because, as a bride, there are no real guidelines on what I should say, and there were no examples on that were 100% relevant to me. I used a couple of the quotes and jokes from to add some humour to my speech, so I wanted to say a huge thank you for your wonderful website.
Speech by Andrew Tate
Groom Speech Examples
Dear I used your website when I had to do a Best Mans speech and your help was invaluable. So when it was my turn to get married and it was time to do a Grooms speech I went straight to your site for help. It went so well, thanks again.
Speech by Roy Wolfenden
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, I am really grateful to those who sent copies of their speeches as I didn't really know what to say, I found them very helpful and I copies the parts I liked the best, and I thought you might be interested to see the result. From Roy Wolfenden
Speech by Chris Heywood
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Dear Hitched I found your site marvelously helpful in writing a speech recently for my daughter's wedding. I therefore feel duty bound to send you a copy of my own rendition, which borrows shamelessly from those I found on your site. I have another daughter, so will need more material before too long. Hope your excellent site comes to the rescue again. Kind regards (and thanks). Chris Haywood
Speech by Charles
Father of the Bride Speech Examples