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Wedding Speeches

Wedding speeches are one of the best parts of any wedding day, but if you’re the one giving a wedding speech then it can often be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour or father of the bride, we have a whole host of ideas and example wedding speeches ready and waiting to help!

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Speech by Jonathan Rigg
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, Came across your website the week before my mate David got married 2 October 1999. He was the Best Man for me 18 months previous and was excellent so I didn't want to be shown up. Your site was invaluable in helping me to produce my speech and give me the confidence to perform it. On the day I wasn't at all nervous, (my wife didn't eat her meal as she was so nervous) and even though all the other speeches seemed excellent everybody said mine was the best. One of the jokes (Greasy Knob), the room went very quiet, and then people started to laugh more and more. Later all
Speech by Peter Jones
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Dear Hitched I have recently given a Father of the Bride Speech, and as the Best Man was very nervous, I extended my offering a little. The result went down really well, and might help other Fathers of the Bride who seem to get scant advice. Peter Jones
Speech by Alan Preece
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by James Symonds
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Your site was invaluable in helping me write my speech for Nick & Clare's wedding on 4th September 1999. The confidence you gain from having a well prepared speech really does pay off compared to having just a few rambling ideas. My advice to anyone writing such a speech is to have a good beginning - if you can get a laugh or cheer in the first few seconds then it sets you up for the rest of the speech. Also, don't worry - before the wedding I was fairly apprehensive about the event, but after a few beers and the atmosphere of the evening kicked in the act of speaking w
Speech by Daniel H Gutierrez
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched Hitched was very helpful in getting me to the starting point. I felt 18-20 minutes was a bit long, but I was able to cut mine to about 5 minutes. The guest got a real kick out of the keys and I would recommend it to anyone. Thanks again, Dan from California
Speech by Lee Edgington
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Philip Dillon
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched I would like to thank you for helping me with my speech. Its short but it does the job very well. All I can say to anyone who has to do this ,is enjoy it .Its not as bad as you think its going to be. I spent weeks worrying for nothing. After its finished just sit back and enjoy the complements. I recommend taking it easy on the drink before the speech, but have a couple to calm the nerves. Once you start its all plain sailing from there. Thanks Philip Dillon
Speech by Rich Whitehead
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched This speech took about 10 minutes to deliver, was well-received and I offer my thanks to the people who donated their speeches for me to review. Thanks Rich
Speech by Simon Edgington
Father of the Bride Speech Examples
Dear Hitched I used your web site to get tips for our speeches for My Sons wedding. I found it of immense value to me to the extent that I went from dreading the event, to really looking forward to making the Speech. On the day it was very well received and people have commented on what a good speech I made. I felt I must extend my thanks to you and I include a transcript of My Speech which you can share with any interested party. Once again. MANY THANKS. Simon Edgington.
Speech by Jon Walsh
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Graham Everitt
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched You are all life savers. I was the best man for a good friend on the 27th August. I was told that I had the job about two months before and felt that I couldn't really say no and still get an invite to the wedding reception. The day was basically just family of about 40 guests, so I was struggling with the jokes and stories that I was able to tastefully use. I spent the two months worrying about the speech and then about a week writing it. It went down a storm especially as I followed the Brides father who made jokes about the bride going to the toilet in the bath.(number twos) A
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Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Damon Carbo
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by Giles Watson
Best Man Speech Examples
Thanks to hitched, I was wonderful. I offer it to you for consideration for publication in your esteemed organ. Yours, NO 29 [ed - no idea!]
Speech by Jeff Griffin
Best Man Speech Examples
Hello to all at - I used your site when putting together my best man's speech and it helped with the odd joke etc but mainly on the framework of the speech. To cut a long story short, it was very well received last weekend, and I am attaching it in case you want to add to your examples. Regards - Jeff Griffin
Speech by M Hope
Best Man Speech Examples