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Wedding Speeches

Wedding speeches are one of the best parts of any wedding day, but if you’re the one giving a wedding speech then it can often be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour or father of the bride, we have a whole host of ideas and example wedding speeches ready and waiting to help!

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Speech by Carl Cottingham
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, I found your web site invaluable to enable me to write my speech. Thank you. I delivered the speech at an 'informal' wedding and it was received very well. If it will help anybody else please show it on your web site. yours sincerely "I'm glad it's all over" Carl Cottingham
Speech by Mark Inman
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched I gave this speech on 10th April 1999 and it went down a stormer. I'd like to thank all those who have taken the trouble to upload their speeches beforehand as they provided an excellent starting point and some good ideas that I was able to build upon. It's true that everybody is rooting for you on the day and I won't be half as nervous if I'm asked to do it again. Thanks for all your help.
Speech by Phil
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched, My younger brother is getting married next weekend, and I only today sat down to write my speech. I've got a hectic week ahead of me, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get in done, either well, or in time. Your site, and in particular the notes regarding structure and content, have been of enormous help to me, and in a couple of hours I've written a speech I hope will go down very well. So thanks very much for the advice, and please feel free to publish the speech attached on your site (but not till after April 10!)
Speech by Ron Fenton
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched Thanks a lot for your very helpful site, I would have struggled without it. Please excuse some of the plagiarism but some of what I read other speeches was excellent material. I hope the speech is of some help to others. It ended up quite long - about ten minutes because everyone was laughing so much. Once I got started I really enjoyed my 15 minutes of fame. The last part pulling the keys and knickers out of the bag had people almost wetting themselves. The most satisfying part was afterwards when the groom got back on his feet to congratulate me for the speech and people tellin
Speech by Jason Knight
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched I did this speech at a wedding on 27th March 1999. The audience was around 70 people of which the majority were over 35. It was my first time as a best man and spent many hours worrying about carrying out my task. I became very nervous just as I got up to speak but a good mental trick to try is to imagine the audience naked!! It went brilliantly with many laughs and was commended on it by many people saying it was the best they have heard. I cannot thank you enough for the help and confidence I gained from using your web site. Without it I would not have known where to start. I h
Speech by John McKenzie
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched Attached is my Best Mans speech for a wedding in New Zealand at Easter. Your web site was great - it helped add the finishing touches to my speech - which covers the last 3/4 years, Bride and Groom meeting etc... the other groomsmans handling the earlier years. Good stuff Cheers John McKenzie
Speech by Jeff McNally
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched This is the best mans speech done for a friend of mine, I know it is not everybody's cup of tea, but I am sure some people will find it amusing. The speech went down very well, even the priest was laughing. Regards Jeff McNally
Speech by Rick Robins
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched Great web site, it helped me enormously! the speech went down brilliantly! Rick
Speech by Andy Wigman
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched These examples gave me all the inspiration I needed, and my speech went better than I ever dreamed it would. I didn't get a chance to practice much before hand as I only started writing the speech two days before the big day, and finished it the night before. But after a few Jack Daniels before the service, and a few during the reception I felt quite relaxed...until the waiters started pouring out the champagne, then I knew it was imminent. At this point I started to panic big time and was really nervous when I finally had to stand up. But after the opening joke about the Qu
Speech by Derek Slater
Best Man Speech Examples
Speech by J Molloy
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched This speech went down very well last week. The actual Best Man (Nick Grimes)didn't want to do it, so I gladly took on the role...and enjoyed every minute.
Speech by Richard Hadden
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched The site was very useful in giving an idea of length and style. Here's an attempt to thank you in kind. Yours sincerely, Richard Hadden PS: The welsh line is "Welcome to the celebration of the marriage of Liz and Evan."
Speech by Chris McKellips
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched This is the Best Man's speech/poem that I gave recently. It received many laughs. I think it is great that you have these examples for people to look over. It really help to take away some of the fears of doing this by having some other examples to follow. Enjoy, - Chris McKellips
Speech by David Hodgson
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched It went great...... the rest of the guests held a "sweep" beforehand to guess the duration this helped to take some pressure off, and they promised to cheer like mad when i first stood up. this set the mood for a lot of very good natured barracking. The speech ended up lasting 18mins 34 seconds.
Speech by Dirk
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched This speech I did recently which went better than I expected. Of course hitched help tremendously (I nicked a few jokes). Anyway thanks and if you're planning a speech JUST RELAX ... what's the worst they can do? GOOD LUCK' ...Dirk
Speech by Damon Leedham
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched Thank you. I was very anxious about being best man and giving a speech. Your site pointed me in the right direction and I actually directly plagiarised some paragraphs from your example speeches for the beginning of mine, as you will see. So thanks to the author(s) and appologies if my plagiarism offends. You were absolutely right about the sympathetic audience, my speech went brilliantly (2 weeks thinking and notation, 2 hours frantic writing and 2 hours rehearsal) and here it is: