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Wedding Speeches

Wedding speeches are one of the best parts of any wedding day, but if you’re the one giving a wedding speech then it can often be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour or father of the bride, we have a whole host of ideas and example wedding speeches ready and waiting to help!

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I found your best man speeches to be a valuable resource whilst researching mine, and thought it was only fair to share my efforts with other future best men!
Speech by Gary Honeyman
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I used your site to help me write my best mans speech 2 years ago but never sent it to be uploaded, and as today I'm writing my grooms speech I have returned to your site again to gain some ideas for that. I know its two years too late but you can add my best mans speech to your site if you wish. Many thanks for your great site.
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Hi, Having used your site for preparing my Best Man's Speech I thought I would send in a copy of mine. The wedding actually took place back in 30 April 2005 but I am back on the site as I now need the to use your site for my Groom's speech. If this speech can be of any help to anyone then let it be.
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Used your site.. so thought I''''d return the favour...
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Hi, Below is my best man's speech from 26th June 2004, as was a great help in the preparation, I think it's only fair I share it with everyone else. It got plenty of laughs and went really well. Cheers
Speech by Mark Fordham
Best Man Speech Examples
Dear Hitched Please find attached my best man speech which I recently gave at my best friend's wedding for inclusion in your website. I found the site really useful whilst writing the speech and have to admit I didn't really know where to start until I read some of the example speeches. The speech took about 10-12 minutes to deliver and went down really well, especially the key joke which i would definately recommend. For any best men worrying about doing a speech, I can guaruntee your audience will be very receptive and there really is nothing to worry about. It is the best feeling when
Speech by Mark singleton
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Couldn't have written my speech without your site. It's best to try and use as much original material as you can, but looking at the speeches really helps with the format. Cheers.
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